Last Friday we welcomed Monty and Daniella and the rest of the Wagner clan to Israel (although the Wagner’s had arrived earlier in the week). We had a great dinner together at the Inbal after touring around Mea Shearim. Shoshana was passed around from person to person and entertained us all. Shabbat lunch was “chez Fiter”, in the apartment they rented for the holidays on Derech Hebron. If you need a short term rental, speak to them about it, because it’s a great place! We spent Monday with Monty and Daniella in Haifa, with Monty visiting Technion University and the medical faculty there.
They have excellent facilities and Monty and Daniella appeared to know a bunch of people there. Tuesday was another travel day for Bruce and Monty; we visited Yeshivat Sha’alvim, Monty’s Yeshiva, and gave Steve and Ryan Fiter a tour. We also visited Bar Ilan University to learn about a new Live Cell Imaging System developed in the department of physics there. Really interesting, and we will be bringing back some potential application to our labs in Montreal. We had a fun dinner with most of tehe families at Papagaio, and of course Mazer family dinner with Daniella and Monty as guest stars (check out a video of Daniella Making Shoshana laugh on Facebook!) Wednesday and Thursday were spent in Jerusalem, with visits to the Supreme Court, the Sorek Stalagtite caves near Bet Shemesh, and to the Menachem Begin Heritage center. Today we did some shopping for gifts, as unfortunately, Barbara must return to teach next week. I’ll be keeping the fort up and the Shoshana pictures flowing for about 6 weeks more. Tonight, the Mazers, Wagners and Fiters will be eating together for Shabbat in what promises to be a very freilach Shabbat.
Rachel Fiter contributed a poem that describes our trip to the Sorek Caves:
Stalagmites stalgtites only caves have got them
Tites are always on the top and mites are on the bottom
Be careful not slip in here cause it might get too risky.
Kol Hakavod!
Anyway, if it sounds like we had a pretty normal week, the truth is, we have. Jerusalem, in central Israel, is on alert, but in fact, we are always on alert. There is more security in the Old City, but there are still many tourists, and lots of groups. Two interesting ironies; we were sitting around the Shabbat table with Steve, Estie and co last Saturday, and Estie asked when we thought that there would be a response to the incessant bombing that Hamas resumed just prior to the end of the Dec 19th cease fire. I commented that it is certain to be any day. In fact it had started an hour before. Also as you know, last week I wrote about our great day in the Negev. Since the war on Hamas began last Shabbat, many of the roads we took have been closed and it’s really been a tense, nervous situation for residents of the south, living or sleeping in bomb shelters. We all pray for a speedy end, with a clear resolution, as there is no reason for the residents of Israel’s south to be fired on at will for no reason. Many reservists including several friends and classmates of Elan’s have been called up. To date, things have been going well from Israel’s perspective; only time will tell if the outcome leads to the ability of both sides to go forward constructively.
We are delighted to wish my Uncle Peter a happy Special Birthday!!
Mazel Tov to Yakov Fruchter and Ryla on their engagement!!! See you in Winnipeg
Please pray for refuah Shelemah for Tamar Dina bat Smadar and Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel
Have a wonderful Shabbat and let’s all pray for peace.
Barbara and Bruce