Meantime, I think the Jerusalem population is completely exhausted by politics and elections, not to mention the Gaza War. There was much more buzz for the mayor’s election in November, or even the Obama election, than there is here for the national vote. Most of the adds on buses, bus shelters and on the streets are for parties with little chance of forming the government, so the are scratching and clawing for what they can get…religious parties, Shas, a couple of Yisrael Beitenu ads for Leiberman… of course there are a few scattered Bibi posters (Likud: Strong on Security; Strong on the Economy) and I saw one new Barak poster (they pulled the (“Not a Wimp- a leader” campaign in favor of a picture of a snarling Ehud in front of a picture of Tzipi looking perplexed and a picture of Bibi looking lost). Conspicuosly absent are legions of Kadima posters. The polls as you probably know say we are going to have a right wing government, with Likud as the head, and Likud is on record as saying they want a national unity government, but we will see how it plays out…right? Meanwhile stay tuned.
I was in Modi-in last Shabbat to see Robert Goldberger prior to his return to Canada for another sojourn in to the wilds of family medicine in Ontario. It sounds like he is sorely needed and if there were another couple of dozen it would not hurt, either. He set a record for patients through his turnstile in the burbs outside of Toronto one day after Christmas; in the 120’s. I know its no better in Quebec. Meanwhile, when Shoshana had a cough, congestion and fever a few weeks ago and I suggested she see a doctor the following morning, by 10 AM they had been to the local pediatric clininc, examined diagnosed and antibiotics prescribed. Very efficient! (She got better very fast, in case you’re interested). Modi’in is always nice, in a large part due to the Karen and Robert’s hospitality. In addition, it is a nice ‘suburban’ type community. No reral industry, very residential; a nice mix of Israelis, North American’s, and others mixed in. Last week my old college friend Bruce Epstein and his family joined us for Shabbat lunch, which was fun. There are about 6 synagogues that are within walking distance of the Goldberger’s home, with great names: The Pizza Shul (2 wedge shaped buildings), the Bunker Shul (they ran out of money so the services are in the dug out basement, with nothing else around) and a new Yemenite synagogue that has been under construction for a year. The Goldbergers family go to a very friendly synagogue that was built this summer, but the group had been together for many years. The synagogue is lovely, with beautiful hardwood furniture and I hope it serves the community well for many years.
Speaking of Shoshana, she has some great new tricks! She crawls, does “push ups” and has been even more steady pulling herself up to stand and ‘walking’ assisted around the crib. Amazing since she is just a week over 6 months. Her day care ‘mitapelet’ says she crawls around the house all day when she is there. I think Elan and Nomi better start baby proofing the apartment!
I had a fascinating dinner with Ariel on Wednesday night. I told him that I wanted to make sure he has something to eat other than Yeshiva food a couple of nights a week (which he does not really eat), so along with our Tuesday dinner at Elan’s I’ve tried to take him out once a week. The only catch is that it has to be quick, so he can get back for night seder. The other two times were with Elan and Nomi, but this week we had a shawarma picnic and had a chance to talk. We always say that the year in Israel is one of tremendous growth and maturation for our children, but I must say how proud and impressed I was with where Ariel is at, his interests and his tireless work ethic. He thoroughly enjoys what he is doing, and really thrives in an environment where everyone is motivated and he feels that he is pushed a bit. I look forward to more of these talks.
This morning I am preparing for Shabbat, working on a grant proposal and organizing to go to Nevi Daniel, where our friends Reuven and Chani Or and family live. So, another Shabbat in Judean Hills. There is prediction for much needed rain over Shabbat, but this morning it was bright and sunny and very pleasant out. I am happy to share the warmth with all those (shivering) in North America.
Please wish my favorite sister Roanne a very Happy Birthday!
Also, I was remiss in not wishing Jeff Rein a very Happy Birthday earlier this month, so here it is now!!
Mazel Tov to the Pincus Family on the birth of a boy!
Please pray for Refuah Shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Brach Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dian bat Smadar.
Wishing you all a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat Shalom.