For Shabbat services we split up, with Bruce joining the Wagners at the Yeshurun Synagogue to hear Contor Heinowizc (he asked me to send regards to Cantor Subar at Beth Ora) and Grandma Phyllis attending the Jerusalem Great Synagogue with Cantor Haim Adler and Choir. They put on a tremendous performance. This led us to lunch at the Inbal Hotel with the Wagner clan, which continued on till late afternoon. After Shabbat left us, we joined Elan and Nomi and the kids at their house, brought them onion soup, and then met Monty and Daniella (and her twin Yonati) at the Mamilla Mall for a late night snack before they took off for Haifa. Jerusalem Shabbat is always special, with quiet in the streets (less cars!) and people rushing to and from synagogues and family. Once you’ve done it a few times, the special feeling really stays with you.
The rest of our week was hectic. We spent much of it “Shoshana sitting”, picking her up from daycare, then taking her on various outings. I’m not sure whether we were doing this to keep her busy so Nomi could focus on Shlomo, or for purely selfish reasons, to just hang with Shoshana! Either way, it gave us a really busy week. Sunday included dinner in Mamilla with the Goldbergers, and Monday was a trip to North West past Jerusalem, in the Binyamin region. Thanks to our friend and former Montrealer Rabbi David Tzviel, we saw the Psagot Winery and the Biblical Town of Shilo. That day ended with a lovely dinner in a fancy Italian Restaurant, Gabriella, and a walk in the midtown area. Tuesday we met our cousins, the Zysblatts, and introduced them to the new arrival and Wednesday we visited the Jerusalem Mall and then finished the evening at CafĂ© Rimon with Elan and Nomi and Shlomo.
Thursday morning, we set off for Tel Aviv with our ultimate destination to be Haifa later that night. We visited the old Port area of Tel Aviv; newly renovated, with an expanding number of stores, cafes and restaurants along the water. Really beautiful. We then went over to Tel Aviv University, to the Diaspora Museum. This may be my 5th time there, and it never gets old. The story of Jewish Survival never ceases to amaze us. The highlights of family, faith, religion, education and ingathering of exiles show the strength of our common bonds.
After having tea with our friends Sharon (Dalfen) and Rochelle August (both former Montrealers), we picked up Daniella at Tel Aviv U, and then set off for Haifa to pick up Monty and go to dinner. He picked an incredible place called Arnold’s, a country gourmet place which is on a Moshav on the road to Nahariaya. Great steaks, unique salads, terrific atmosphere. After a few brief hours of sleep, we set up for Shabbat and then had brunch with Danie
We wish everyone a wonderful Shabbat Shalom
Barbara and Bruce