We also were able to do a bit of touring; we went to the coast off the Mediterranean, towards Haifa, called Chof Dor. Here is our Bible lesson for today; as you know Jews are commanded to wear Tzitsit, fringed garments. There is a biblical commandment to dye at least one of the fringes Tchelet, or blue. The only problem is, the source of the blue dye that was used is not known. Scientific research and comparison with ancient texts seems to point to the source being a snail, M. trunculus, found off the cost of Israel stretching from Dor to the Lebanese border. This area is home to an ancient sea port, a fortress, a Christian Church and Crusader stronghold, and even the place where Napolean tried to invade when he moved into the middle East. But today the focus is the snail and we went Scuba diving to catch some (and throw them back) and to learn about how the dye is made from them. We then went
We spent another lovely Shabbat in Modiin, as well as the last days of the Passover holiday. We were joined by Gail Jaffe and Ashie, as well has his new bride to be Dassy (they are getting married on May 22nd). It was fun to host them, and also to get to know Dassy (wishing the new couple many happy years together!). Passover ended for us on Tuesday evening and since we were not at home, the post Passover clean-up was pretty fast.
We then left Modiin for a few days away on the coast in Netanya. Barbara and I spent a few day s here last year, and it is really a great place to get away from it all. We stayed at the King Solomon Hotel, right on the boardwalk overlooking the Mediterranean. This is the ideal place for long walks, seaside dining, and, when the weather is hot (which is all relative, but right now it is in the low 20’s) it’s great for lying on the beach. Thursday was raining, so we drove around, did some indoor touring and then welcomed Monty and Daniella back from spending Passover in Toronto (Netanya is on the way from the airport to where they live in Haifa). In the evening, we met Rabbi Ronen and Michal Sela, ex-Montrealers. Israel was hit with a whole run of huge thunderstorms, which started in the late evening and continued through till about 5 AM. The lightning was pretty amazing (sorry, no pictures) and is a very unusual weather pattern for this time of year.
Our trip is coming to an end; back to reality tomorrow night. The final Shabbat will be spent in Netanya, and we’ve been joined on the beach by Elan, Nomi and family and Monty and Daniella. The nearby synagogue is the Young Israel of North Netanya, which is an Anglo bastion which would be easy to transplant to Montreal, London or New York! The people are very friendly and so it is a nice place overall to spend Shabbat.

Amazing, actually, if you think about it. When our children are young, we anticipate what it will be like when they grow up. When they do grow up and the nuclear family starts to move out in many directions, we miss the times that we were only one unit. It makes times like these, when we are all together, especially across all these miles, extremely precious. There is no taking for granted the importance of family being together. We wish you all a tremendous and meaningful Shabbat!
Barbara and Bruce
We wish Chuck Wagner, Jessica Samuel and Bilha Fruchter a very Happy Birthday!