Despite all that, we still see things and learn things that really make you see
what tremendous heights people can reach. Take for example Kfar Tikvah, situated
in the northern part of Israel, in between Haifa and Zichron Yaacov. Kfar
Tikvah means the Village of Hope and was founded in 1964 by a German Jewish
professor who had a step-child with special needs. As you know, at that time special
needs adults rarely lived at home, often were institutionalized and rarely
given tools to reach their potential. Kfar Tikvah was started to give a home,
jobs, activities and support to special needs adults, and has now grown to a
village of over 200 residents who live, work, have activities and get training there.
The whole concept is super clever. The area is nicely laid out, the streets are
named “colors” for easy recognition, there is a farming area and workshops and
the facilities cover most needs, including medical care. To think that this
village has been going string since the 60’s, way before most people were
giving special needs kids and adults a real chance, is simple amazing.

That is just one of the stories we wanted to share from a
very busy and fun week. And yes, the weather is very nice here, high teens and
low 20’s, with one day of major downpours (Sunday), but the rest of the time
really pleasant. I was toying with not mentioning the weather, considering the
major cold snap that is going through North America at present. Israel does
still rely on tourism, so a plug for the weather here is fair game, n’est pas?
After Shabbat last week with the kids, Barbara and I decide
to take some time to stay closer to Netanya and catch up on some things. Sunday
was cloudy and rainy, so a perfect day for staying home. On Sunday evening we
drove to the Latrun area to the Shvil Izim restaurant on a Moshav Tel Shahar and
met with Carol and David Novosellor. The rain did not really help our drive;
going to the restaurant took 2 hours, but getting home after the rain stopped
(and after rush hour) took 50 minutes including a stop at the airport to let
David off, as he was flying to New York that evening. The rain did not dampen
anyone’s spirits and it was a fun evening. Monday included babysitting for Ora
and Elisha, preceded by a quick trip to Ikea in Netanya for some housewares
(for us and the kids), and followed by a sushi dinner (inspired by the sushi
dinner we had on Hanukah and Elan and Nomi’s!) I have spoke about Ikea in
Israel before but we found out something new; the espresso and cappuccino
appears to be “all you can drink” for the price of one cup (5 shekels). Another
reason to just hang out at Ikea!

On the way home from the north, we wandered around Zichron
Yaacov, an artists’ town in the Carmel mountains. On the way into Netanya, we
found the source of the best Herring in Israel (according to Ariel and a few
others); a store called Prodag, in the old industrial area of Netanya. In fact
there are two Prodag stores, down the block from each other. Amazing selection
of herring, smoked fish, frozen fish and Israeli salads of all types. As we
were going back to our car, we saw a store that appeared to sell religious
articles. We were looking for a parchment to put into a mezuzah (the ornamental
box on the side of doors in Jewish homes which contains the text of the prayer Shema
Yisrael). The store we walked into turned out to be a parchment factory, one of
the largest suppliers of parchment and producers of Tefillin boxes in Israel.
We got a tour of the place, the tanning of hides and how the special parchment
used for writing Jewish holy texts are produced. The factory also does educational
sessions on Jewish Texts, preparation for families of boys who will be bar
mitzvah at age 13, and many other things. So, you think you are walking into a
store, and you end up walking into a world that teaches you new things!
We wish you all a WARM and wonderful Shabbat Shalom
Happy 2018 to all!
Barbara and Bruce
Birthdays (in Chronological Order…)
Happy Birthday to Ziggy
Happy Birthday to Sheila
Happy Birthday to Uncle Peter!
Happy Anniversary to Sylvia and Haim
Mazel Tov to the Brandt and Hofman families on Yoel's engagement to Dina Morris!
We wish a refuah shelema to Zysl bat Bella