Yes, this is not a figment of your imagination! You are actually reading a blog originating from Israel, prepared by Canadians! Even during the most topsy-turvy time in recent memory, Barbara and Bruce have made it back to Israel, Corona Pandemic and all! So, in case you have not heard, although the borders are closed, Israel has been allowing select visitors to come for special occasions: births (and funerals, unfortunately), to attend school, marriages of children, bar mitzvahs of grandsons, and, in our case, the bat mitzvah of our granddaughter Shoshana! This took weeks, if not months of planning, as the laws kept changing and the permit to enter was a very slippery target. However, in the end, the consulate verified all our documents, and provided the permit. Then to add icing on the cake, one week before our departure, Israel adapted the tactic of allowing people from Covid safe, ‘green’ countries to enter and not quarantine for 2 weeks! It was really interesting entering the country and when they saw our passport and declaration of health, we were given a slip that allowed us to enter without the dreaded two weeks with no other human contact. So, that has given us quite a bit to talk about, because instead of being holed up in our Netanya apartment, we have been very happy to spend time with our kids and grandchildren!
The COVID 19 situation in Israel is a bit more precarious than in Montreal at the moment. Although Israel did very well at the outset, with a low infection rate and a very low fatality rate, for the past month there has been a steady increase in cases. In the past few days the number of new cases has been nearly 3000 per day. The hospitalizations have increased, but in the past 24 hours there was no mortality. There are some real areas of concentration, and there is a threat to close down those cities and towns (as of now this has not happened). There is even a discussion about closing down the whole country for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana (Sept 19-20) to minimize people travelling. I guess time will tell.
All that is to say that instead of our usual roaming around the country, or visiting cool places and finding new restaurants, we have restricted our travels to our kid’s homes. Ariel and Gila moved to a new neighborhood in Petach Tikva, which is about 20 minutes from downtown Tel Aviv. They are in a large new condo with a lot of amenities, a great neighborhood, shopping and schools nearby, and good transport options. Elisha, Ora and Adi are all starting school milestones: Elisa is in Grade 1, Ora in Nursery at age 3, and baby Adi, who we had not seen since January, started a new daycare. Of course, our reunion with Elisa and Ora was very exciting, but the best surprise was Adi followed the lead of her siblings and was super happy to hang with us. We have had the fun of just visiting, going to the park, watching Elisha ride his bike (self-taught in about 5 minutes!) and even spending a couple of days before school kicked in, babysitting so their parents could be productive. We even had a Zoo outing with Ora who enjoyed having grandparents all to herself! This allowed us to be grandparents in the early part of the day, and do teaching and meetings at night (sometimes quite late…!)
Over to Efrat, where we spent several days as well as last Shabbat with Elan and Nomi, Shoshana, Shlomo, Nadav and Aryeh. School there has also started and it’s complex due to the pandemic. Shoshana is in school 3 days and on zoom the others, Shlomo on Zoom Friday but every other day in school; and Nadav and Aryeh also start the milestones Grade 1 and Nursery. Shoshana, the bat mitzvah girl, is absolutely a young lady, a voracious reader, an ace baby-sitter and very social. Shlomo is a combination of creative Lego builder and Chess player, and monkey bar swinger and climber. Nadav is reading two languages and has more friends in the neighborhood than you can count, and Aryeh is super active and smiles all the time. Last Shabbat in Efrat we enjoyed the warm days and cool evenings in the garden on the patio under the gazebo that Elan build during his “Corona time” (Lime not included).
Last night we had the rare privilege (again and pandemic special) of watching not one but two Zoom Weddings (who said you can’t dance at two weddings??) One was Ruhama, Gila’s younger sister, who married Avihu Scheonfeld in Gush Etzyon, and the other was our close friend Haim Fruchter, who married Rona Gubarek. May both couples have nothing but happiness and mazal together!
Now we are an hour before Shabbat, this week in Petach Tikva. We have a mountain of food, and we are ready to shut down. Elisha, Ora and Adi are very happy to have us near, but probably nowhere near as happy as we are to be here. Next week, bat mitzvah Sabbat and weekend, so stay tuned!
Wishing you all a warm (air conditioned!) Shabbat Shalom and a great long Labour Day weekend!
Barbara and Bruce
Happy Birthday to Yacov Fruchter!
Mazel Tov to Haim and Rona, ad Meah V’Esrim!
Mazel Tov to Ruhama and Avihu and to our Mechtuan, Geula and Yitzhak Twersky!
Mazel Tov to Brian and Tamara!
Mazel Tov to Daniel and Rachel!