What an interesting, fun and special year. When we think back to what we were writing at this time last year, it was about our recent arrival in Jerusalem, about spending time in the Old City with our children and granddaughter, about preparations for Rosh Hashana in a new surrounding. Shopping with Nomi, learning with Elan and Ariel, cuddling Shoshana (who in a very short time is almost running more than she is cuddling!!) and looking forward to an adventure that would last for several months. It seems like yesterday we were cleaning and setting up on Mevo Yoram, and those months flew by. An amazing experience, one we will cherish not only for the chance to escape to Israel, but for a chance to have a bit of extra time to focus on some of the real priorities in life; more time for family, for learning, and less running and less getting bogged down with some of the annoyances of life.
We experienced 4 elections, a major financial crisis, a war and a drought. The Madoff crisis touched home as labs at Hebrew U, where Bruce worked, lost large amounts of their funding overnight. We cried with our friends back home who had lost loved ones, and celebrated as their children became engaged (which has led to a summer of weddings beyond compare!). We learned about the looniness of Jerusalem municipal politics and we compared many of the great bakeries of Jerusalem. We made many contacts, personal and professional, and we both will benefit from the interaction with our Israeli colleagues in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. We connected and re-connected with friends and we built and solidified many special relationships.
What is in store for the next year? Well, we have had nothing but nachas and joy watching Shoshana grow, smile and take off in all directions (especially on stairs!). Her second year should be as exciting as the first. Elan and Nomi are well settled in Jerusalem, Ariel has returned to Yeshivat Hakotel for a second year. They will be joined by Monty and Daniella, who are leaving for Haifa; Monty to go to Technion Medical School and Daniella to the University of Haifa. With all the kids in Israel, I guess we get to share more blogs from the visits we are sure to take!!
Most of all, we hope for good health for all, especially our parents, and success for our children in all their endeavors. We hope all of our family and friends can reach the goals they set for themselves and enjoy all the benefits of life. And to everyone, a parting thought: although every year cannot be a sabbatical, there is no excuse for not focusing on the people in your life that are really important- that is something that is always worth taking time for.
K’tiva V’Chatima Tova
May we all have a year of life full of health and satisfaction!
Barbara and Bruce
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 3-July 10
The Goldberger family (minus son Eli) arrived a little before Shabbat so we started a Jerusalem Shabbaton. We held meals in the apartment that we were staying in as Elan and Nomi’s is a bit tight (how they entertain a dozen Yeshiva guys is amazing). The food was great, with multiple contributors, but Nomi’s whole wheat Challah was a real winner (not to forget the Oriental Cabbage Salad that kept disappearing). In true Mazer fashion, Elan has become a very accomplished cook; he makes a mean Cholent and also made the schnitzel for Shabbat Lunch. We had a great time passing Shoshana around (till she was too covered in food to hold delicately). This was the first time Nomi’s parents spent a Shabbat on Elan and Nomi’s turf, so Kol hakavod to our Rova (Jewish Quarter) dwellers for arranging and preparing for the whole gang!
Saturday night we got together with Chaya Brodie, a great friend from Denver days. She and her family now live primarily in Detroit but still have a home in Nof Ayalon, and two of her sons live in Israel. The funny thing is, we only see her in Israel. We compared notes on being grandparents and promised to try to get together at least once in North America.
Sunday was a big day…since I was leaving Israel to go to a meeting in Frankfurt. SO now this blog will take a two pronged approach, describing Barbara’s week in Israel and my week in Germany. After breakfast Sunday morning Barbara and I moved her suitcase over to the Zeligman’s (of Ottawa) apartment as the Horn family was returning to the Old City. After moving, shopping and a bit of setting up, I took off to the airport.
Monday in Israel was a day of highs and lows. Of course, the highlight was the marriage of Michal Faust and Noam Natan. Cindy and Rafi Faust have become pros at planning weddings in Israel, and the event was tremendous. This was in part due to the “Montreal reunion” that took place; the Faust’s amazing work with our community and Kollel was reflected in the number of Israelis who had spent time in Montreal who came out to the wedding. Barbara had a fantastic time, seeing old friends and enjoying the amazing spirit.
Sadly, earlier in the day, Barbara and many others went to Bet Shemesh for the funeral of Moshe Rein Z’L who had passed away last week. Sometimes, though, these crazy swings of emotion in life make some sense. Mr. Rein was a special person and his son Jeff is a very close friend, not only of ours but of many. The fact that many people were converging on Jerusalem to celebrate, allowed people to participate in the mitzvah of Nahum Avelim, comforting the mourners. I am sure that in this time of distress, the Rein family appreciated the support. May they be spared further sorrows.
The rest of the week went by quickly. Claire Perez from the Jewish Rehab joined Barbara for shopping and some quality time babysitting Shoshana. Elan and Nomi joined them later for dinner at a new Asian restaurant on Emek, and then the Maliach’s (Ruth and Itamar) came to Jerusalem for quick visit. Wednesday, Karen Goldberger wandered into Jerusalem, again followed by a generous dose of babysitting (did I tell you Shoshana is walking a lot now??? Really cute…). That evening a group of OTs from Israel joined Barbara for a “working” dinner and
As I mentioned above, I took off for Frankfurt where I went to a meeting on B cells and Germinal Center development. I will spare you the details…but this is their 16th meeting, so someone must be interested in the subject (besides me, I mean). However, the trip was not without its interesting quirks. Our flight to Zurich leaving Israel was delayed 25 minutes. My connection was already pretty tight, and although I made the flight to Frankfurt, I walked faster than my luggage did, so I arrived in Frankfurt but my luggage spent the night in Switzerland. OK, not so bad, I always have things in my carry-on. I filled out the forms, giving them the name of my reserved hotel (The Mozart) and caught a cab to the city. Then we arrived at what used to be the Hotel Mozart….now closed and not planning to open again. OK, what to do…fortunately I noticed another hotel on the conference list en-route, and asked the cab to take me back (he was nice enough to wait when we saw no light at the ol’ Mozart). This place had one room available for the week, and the location was good, so I grabbed it. Of course, the luggage also went to the Mozart (even though I called Lufthansa at 8 to change locales), so it did not arrive till 10:30 Monday night. Good start, right?
As I said, I won’t talk about the science, but I certainly want to share a bit about Frankfurt. The location of the meeting was in the Westend, at a University. The Westend of Frankfurt is also the home to the JCC, kosher restaurant, and the large West-end Synagogue and Chabad of Frankfurt. I must say, it is not without a certain measure of pride and perhaps a little triumph that I went to minyan almost every morning in Frankfurt. Pretty amazing that 70 years after the beginning of WWII and over 75 years after the brutal laws that marginalized the Jews of Frankfurt (and the rest of Germany) there could be a vibrant community there. There are 8000 registered with the community and estimated 2-4000 non-registered Jews. The Westend synagogue is a large building that I believe survived the war (architectural style is certainly not modern) and the bet midrash (Chapel), where daily services were held and houses a Chabad Yeshiva, is large and very striking in design. The shul is protected 24 hours a day by local police, and it is on a dead end street made into a pedestrian mall closed to traffic, on one side, and with barriers to deter parking on the other. Next door to the synagogue is the (I am not making this up ) Perelen and Schmuckcenter. I don’t know much German, but I assume Perelen is pearls (there was a picture), and the other is another valuable jewel (sorry, no picture).
The minyan ranged in size from 15-30 people, mostly saying kaddish. I found it thanks to the terrific web site www.yeckes.com ; it is the only minyan in the morning in town.
In general, Frankfurt is a quiet, highly organized city, very clean, with a system of bike paths that could teach Montreal city planners a thing or two. Instead of sticking the bikes into traffic or closing off parking, the sidewalks are extended and divided for bikes and pedestrians. You have to see it to believe it, and it works.
Certainly, everywhere you go in the world, you meet Israelis, and Germany is no exception. A large number of German Jews are Israelis who have come for economic reasons, shlichut, to be educators, etc. I met a couple at the JCC, where the Kosher restaurant Sochar is located. He was there as Mashgiach and performed other religious tasks in the community. The JCC is large, and houses a day care and part of an elementary school. The main school has over 500 kids in it! Again, like in most of Europe, security is an issue. The JCC is fenced in, and you must be buzzed in and go through a metal detector. Speaking Hebrew to the security guard (again Israeli) made him smile and I learned a bit about the community from him too. The restaurant was very good, but it sure is not the typical JCC fare (not at all like the Y!) Check the website for the prices before you go (the main dishes range from 16-22.5 Euros!) The link is also on www.yeckes.com .
There are clearly subtle signs that successive German governments and the people themselves have made an effort not to let history be forgotten. An example is the Judengasse Museum in Frankfurt, which I visited on Thursday. Judengasse is the ghetto. This was of course destroyed during the war. However, in 1987, the city was excavating for a new pedestrian mall, and unearthed amazingly preserved homes from the Jewish ghetto circa 1700. The municipality wanted to plough the area over and keep building, but a huge citizens’ protest stopped the “progress”, and the museum was built over the area to display the best preserved homes, the Mikva and the community social hall. There were other examples. On my walk to and from the conference, I passed the Sigmund Freud Institute. There is a large plaque memorializing the founder, Karl Landauer, a Jewish psychoanalyst who perished in Bergen-Belsen. A plaque in downtown showing where the Great Synagogue of Frankfurt stood, describing how it was destroyed by Nazi Criminals. Even in Marburg, where I went on Thursday to speak at the Medical school, the center of town has a large, plexiglass encased structure showing the remains of a 14th century synagogue. Obviously nothing excuses or can really repay the Nazi crimes, but the consciousness is there.
As I write this we are on our way home; I met Barbara in Zurich and we will be spending Shabbat in Montreal. We’ll be glad to get together with friends and family and we certainly can’t wait for the Israeli contingent to arrive for a visit at the end of July.
Once again most sincere condolences to Jeff and family as he sits shiva.
May we all experience a wonderful, peaceful and meaningful Shabbat.
Barbara and Bruce
Friday, July 3, 2009
June 26- July 3
It really did not take much time for her to warm up to us; she went to Barbara within a couple of hours, and by Shabbat afternoon Shoshana was playing Horsey with me like we were old friends (which we are, of course). Enjoy the pictures, and I may post some video on Facebook next week!
Shabbat was great, starting with Kabalat Shabbat at the Kotel, great food (thanks Nomi!) and it was excellent to see our Jerusalem family. We obviously slept well, and even enjoyed a nap after lunch. We babysat Motzei Shabbat and Sunday while Nomi studied, and celebrated our anniversary with Elan, Nomi and Shoshana at Café Rimon, on a beautiful, windy Jerusalem evening.
I don’t know what it is about being here, but I guess since every political issue is potentially a big one. So discourses about politics are intense, even if you are here as a ‘tourist”. The big issue is really the settlements, and the proposed settlement freeze. Currently, the controversy is over a permit given to build 50 new homes in Adam. Well, we were in Adam; Elan and Co lived there last year while they rented a home from a couple of shlichut (working in Toronto). Adam is in the shtachim, just north of Pizgat zev, and North East of Maaleh Adumim. Not an Arab family for kilometers. No sign of protests, or even the security fence, or anything that says dispute. Just a lot of green and hills young families and babies, synagogues, schools and little shops. Go a little east and you hit Psagot, known for its great winery and for its latest new citizens, the Zviel family. In between? No, no War Zone, but a large Rami Levy supermarket, the Chiffon bakery (great place) and a few other shops. These stores are shared, quiet peacefully, but Jew and Arab alike. I don’t know about you, but if a few more diplomats visited this place, and then, say, Darfur, don’t you think that Darfur and it’s thousands slaughtered every day may need more meaningful concentration than stopping constructions on a few townhouses in a peaceful area?
The rest of our week was busy. Barbara had a conference in Haifa, so after another morning of playing with Shoshana, we took off by bus to Haifa. It is really a beautiful city, green, built on Mount Carmel, with water all around. Our room at the Dan Carmel was on the 10th floor, and the view was spectacular! Barbara attended the annual Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation conference. There was a great McGill contingent, and between the sessions and the evening programs (a mini cruise and dinner on the Kineret, a reception at Haifa City Hall and a tour of the city) the three days there flew by. We don’t talk a lot about Haifa, but it really is a spectacular place to visit.
I came back on Wednesday PM with a few missions in mind; I went grocery shopping with Elan (and several hundred other dati people) at a pretty large Mehadrin (extra-) Kosher supermarket. I can explain gladly for anyone interested! Thursday we took Shoshana for a vaccination, and then I walked her around and played with her till Ima and Abba came home. Barbara returned last night, and we prepared for Shabbat, which is going to be spent with Nomi’s parents, the Goldberger family, coming in from Modi’in. We will all be together in the Old City, which is, as you would imagine, a pretty ideal place to spend Shabbat!
We wish sincere condolences and deepest wishes of sympathy to our friend Jeff Rein on the passing of his father. Mr. Rein was a sweet, committed man with a sense of humor and we enjoyed the Shabbatot and Seders that we spent with him, including this year. E will be greatly missed. His funeral is Sunday in Montreal and burial will be here in Israel.
A Mazel Tov to Cindy and Raffi Faust on the upcoming marriage of Michal to Noam
A a wish for a wonderful Shabbat to everyone!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lag Baomer 2009
Just a quick note to everyone to say I hope you get out into the nice weather, have a BBQ or in some way enjoy the day! I missed writing this piece and will definitely send around an update before Shavuot!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
February 13-20
“Zeh lo hasof, zeh rak nigmar” It’s not the end, it’s just finished- Sign on Café Rehavia, a café next to my bus stop on Azza St., which closed last week.
That seems to be a fitting way to close this blog as well; its not the end, it’s only finished, until we start again, until we visit again. Of course, a long sabbatical like this comes once in 7 years, and we picked a wonderful time, a time to share in Elan and Nomi as a young couple, to share in Shoshana’s early months when every day brings a new trick, a new milestone;
to enjoy watching Ariel dive head first into Yeshiva life, as we knew he would, and to be able to share in Monty and Daniella’s first trip to Israel as a married couple. We went at a time when health was good, when we could walk to the third floor of our apartment with the sacks (and backpacks) of groceries and not complain, and wander up and down the hilly landscape that makes up Jerusalem. (Trivia Question: How many stairs from Top to bottom in Yemin Moshe?) Ask Barbara for the answer.
We worked, we played and we enjoyed the family immensely. I think, actually, I know, that the feeling was mutual. It was a very precious time, and I hope over the years we can look back and truly appreciate what an opportunity it was.
But did we learn anything?
Sometimes I assume that question means did I learn anything new in the lab, did we find something interesting, did we advance out work. Other times, I think it is an invitation to comment on things we saw and found fun, strange, interesting or even frustrating. So in no particular order, this is some of what I learned.
Happily, I learned that there are wonderful exceptions to even the most entrenched behavior patterns. Last week I talked about the distance synagogues in most places we encountered keep from strangers. Then, we (Elan, Nomi, Shoshana, Ariel and I) went to visit Ruth and Itamar Maliach in Givat Shmuel and their amazing minyan/synagogue called Lechu Nerrranena. This place has a packed house on Friday nights with the largest adult Carlebach prayer I have seen. But more so, they go out of their way to greet newcomers and strangers, starting right from their president Baruch Kaplan, on down. The spirit and prayer is exceptional. The previous time we were there I really felt we need to bring some of their concept of ruach in prayer back to some of our synagogues, although I must say our own Ahavat Ysrael Minyan has a lot of that on a much smaller scale, and B”Z is as friendly a community that you can find.
I learned that timing is everything, and never be afraid to keep trying. I had not succeeded in reaching our friends the Grossman’s till 2 weeks before I left. Hadas was pregnant and due any day. One day before Nir and I were supposed to meet for lunch, Hadas gave birth to a boy.
This allowed me to spend part of my last day at the Grossman Brit milah in the settlement of Nofei Prat. There were lots of people, great food, and even a couple of ex Montrealer’s (Yoni and Shira) and two of our former Kollel boys. Since I took the bus there, I got a detailed tour of Maaleh Adumim as a throw in prize; it brought back memories of my first trip there in ’78 when it was a few trailers in the desert. It is now a large sprawling city with an industrial park! Anyone who wants the link to the pictures of the brit, please email me.
I learned that, like with all other things in Israel, Egged city bus schedules are only a suggestion. Two examples: to catch the bus to Nofie Prat (there is only two in the AM and two in the PM) I had to take the 13 bus at our corner at 5:58. I was up very early and got there at 5:50, which was good since the bus came at 5:53. The next “scheduled” bus was 30 minutes later, too late to catch the 173 (but who knows when it would REALLY come!). Then last week was the piece de resitance. Every day, I took the 19 to Hadassah Ein Kerem. This bus is supposed to run every 10-15 minutes all day, but had the annoying habit of two buses frequently coming at the same time after a 25-30 minute wait. Last week, though, after I waited almost half an hour, one came, then another (I got on the 2nd since the first was packed), then a third, and halfway to the hospital a 4th pulled up along side. They played leap frog till they arrived at the Medical Center. Unbelievable!
I learned that even in the middle of Jerusalem, sometimes you don’t get a minyan; like the guy yesterday AM at 6 on the corner of Yafo near King George trying to find another male Jew to join in prayer.
I learned that sometimes, you really need to step back and look at things
from the big picture, in your work, in your family and in your life. We had a fun going away tea party for myself and a graduating PhD student from the lab I was in. There were lots of nice things that were said about everyone, as it should be at these things, but one thing ran clear for me. It was that, due to the circumstances of the Sabbatical, I was able to really spend time listening to, training and teaching the students in Francesca’s lab, something I very much enjoy doing. And even though I normally have three jobs, and run from lab to hospital and can’t sit still for 5 minutes, I think this is an important facet to bring back. If you are training doctors, rabbis, scientists or even brick layers, there is no substitute for
time, patience, and an open ear to help someone without experience build and grow.
I also learned that there is not substitute for time invested in family. Of course, you are saying, you knew that already. Yes, I did and I do and I never take this for granted. It also comes under the rubric of stepping back, though. And making sure you take the time, use the time, and
cherish the time. As an example, I think initially Ariel was a bit frustrated by our presence until he realized we would give him his space. So two weeks ago, he called on Thursday night, and asked “Are you going away for Shabbat this week?” When I told him no, he said “Good, I’ve been sick all week and I need to crash” You never want one of your kids to be sick, but the concept and the connection was very important to me (as was his superb recovery by later on Saturday after a good nights’ sleep, and a couple of good meals). Examples like that, like Tuesday night dinners, walking with the baby, learning with Elan, discussing life and other issues with the boys…all special things that need not only to be experienced but be taken for what they really are, a blessing.
On that note, let me wish Monty a major league Mazel tov on is acceptance to Technion Medical School. He is still waiting for other schools, but I can tell you wherever he goes he will make a great physician.
Please wish refuah shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dina bat Smadar
Condolences to Jeff and Rochelle on the untimely passing of their sister in law.
And in closing, let me wish the most special Shabbat Shalom to you all, but especially to my beautiful wife Barbara, without whom the last 6 Shabbatot were not the same. I look forward to never taking for granted the special times we have together for may more years.
And to us all, Next year in Jerusalem!
That seems to be a fitting way to close this blog as well; its not the end, it’s only finished, until we start again, until we visit again. Of course, a long sabbatical like this comes once in 7 years, and we picked a wonderful time, a time to share in Elan and Nomi as a young couple, to share in Shoshana’s early months when every day brings a new trick, a new milestone;
We worked, we played and we enjoyed the family immensely. I think, actually, I know, that the feeling was mutual. It was a very precious time, and I hope over the years we can look back and truly appreciate what an opportunity it was.
But did we learn anything?
Sometimes I assume that question means did I learn anything new in the lab, did we find something interesting, did we advance out work. Other times, I think it is an invitation to comment on things we saw and found fun, strange, interesting or even frustrating. So in no particular order, this is some of what I learned.
Happily, I learned that there are wonderful exceptions to even the most entrenched behavior patterns. Last week I talked about the distance synagogues in most places we encountered keep from strangers. Then, we (Elan, Nomi, Shoshana, Ariel and I) went to visit Ruth and Itamar Maliach in Givat Shmuel and their amazing minyan/synagogue called Lechu Nerrranena. This place has a packed house on Friday nights with the largest adult Carlebach prayer I have seen. But more so, they go out of their way to greet newcomers and strangers, starting right from their president Baruch Kaplan, on down. The spirit and prayer is exceptional. The previous time we were there I really felt we need to bring some of their concept of ruach in prayer back to some of our synagogues, although I must say our own Ahavat Ysrael Minyan has a lot of that on a much smaller scale, and B”Z is as friendly a community that you can find.
I learned that timing is everything, and never be afraid to keep trying. I had not succeeded in reaching our friends the Grossman’s till 2 weeks before I left. Hadas was pregnant and due any day. One day before Nir and I were supposed to meet for lunch, Hadas gave birth to a boy.
I learned that, like with all other things in Israel, Egged city bus schedules are only a suggestion. Two examples: to catch the bus to Nofie Prat (there is only two in the AM and two in the PM) I had to take the 13 bus at our corner at 5:58. I was up very early and got there at 5:50, which was good since the bus came at 5:53. The next “scheduled” bus was 30 minutes later, too late to catch the 173 (but who knows when it would REALLY come!). Then last week was the piece de resitance. Every day, I took the 19 to Hadassah Ein Kerem. This bus is supposed to run every 10-15 minutes all day, but had the annoying habit of two buses frequently coming at the same time after a 25-30 minute wait. Last week, though, after I waited almost half an hour, one came, then another (I got on the 2nd since the first was packed), then a third, and halfway to the hospital a 4th pulled up along side. They played leap frog till they arrived at the Medical Center. Unbelievable!
I learned that even in the middle of Jerusalem, sometimes you don’t get a minyan; like the guy yesterday AM at 6 on the corner of Yafo near King George trying to find another male Jew to join in prayer.
I learned that sometimes, you really need to step back and look at things
time, patience, and an open ear to help someone without experience build and grow.
I also learned that there is not substitute for time invested in family. Of course, you are saying, you knew that already. Yes, I did and I do and I never take this for granted. It also comes under the rubric of stepping back, though. And making sure you take the time, use the time, and
On that note, let me wish Monty a major league Mazel tov on is acceptance to Technion Medical School. He is still waiting for other schools, but I can tell you wherever he goes he will make a great physician.
Please wish refuah shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dina bat Smadar
Condolences to Jeff and Rochelle on the untimely passing of their sister in law.
And in closing, let me wish the most special Shabbat Shalom to you all, but especially to my beautiful wife Barbara, without whom the last 6 Shabbatot were not the same. I look forward to never taking for granted the special times we have together for may more years.
And to us all, Next year in Jerusalem!
Friday, February 13, 2009
February 6-13
The surprise of the week was obviously the result of the election, or perhaps the lack thereof. The big winners, Tzipi Livni and Avigdor Leiberman, have victories with a liberal dose of salt. Tzipi did get more mandates than predicted, but she is no further ahead than when the Knesset was dissolved in having allies for a coalition. Leiberman was riding high with 18-20 mandates on the last polls, and although he did well it was not as well as hoped. Likely votes for his party went to Kadima. Although he may very well be Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu may be a loser. Why, you ask? This was his election for the taking. Early polls put him at 35 mandates. His campaign though was thoroughly uninspiring.
As an unpopular Prime Minister in the mid 90’s (after Oslo started to slip and Yitzak Rabin’s assassination), Bibi could have ridden the wave to have Likud win by acknowledging what he learned from his last sojourn in the PMO and how much he contributed as minister of Finance under Sharon. Instead, he was the least outspoken of all the leaders, certainly in the print and radio media (I don’t really have a cable TV). So the results reflect a certain mistrust for Bibi, Ehud Barak…in fact most Israeli politicians. That is itself is sad, as we certainly need strong leadership in the viper pit of Middle East politics. People here were more caught up by Obama Mania than in their own elections. So for the next week, we wait till Shimon Peres asks someone if they want this thankless job….
My last full week in Jerusalem was just that; FULL. We started out on Shabbat with Ariel, who had been really under the weather all week, coming for Shabbat so he could just take it easy. A good night’s sleep and some good food (even chicken soup) seemed to really help; by Shabbat Afternoon he really seemed better (with the help of some antibiotics for his sinus infection as well!). We had Nomi, Elan and Shoshana for Shabbat lunch, which gave me the chance to really cook for Shabbat for the first time in weeks. I have to stay in practice for Cote St. Luc, you know. Ariel and I had coffee and bagels and a great chat after we did some paper work on Motzei Shabbat. The week went on with more lab work, trying to get the projects organized to continue now on two different continents.
Monday was Tu B’shvat, which allowed me to bring some really nice Israeli (not Turkish) fruit to our lab meeting. We shared stories of Tu B’shvat and I told everyone of our care packages with rock hard boxer (carob) every year in elementary school.
Then came the ‘last’ Tuesday night dinner,… for now. A spectacular feast of filet of sole, pasta primavera and Greek salad, topped off with strawberries, melon and rogelach. I think that Eli Cohen, who crashed once and became a regular will miss our cooking as much if not more than our kids! Shoshana enjoyed the past, strawberries and melon very much. I will try to post the strawberry video tot Facebook!
Tu B’shvat is a spectacular time to appreciate Israel. There are amazing blossoms on the trees, and the weather was starting to warm up. Till Tuesday, that is, when the temperature dove, the winds picked up and we had a major thunderstorm with rain on and off for about 24 hours. I got caught in a hail storm coming back from Elan and Nomi’s house. Thank G-d for the Inbal where I was able to duck inside before I became a victim of hail like in the 10 plagues. Wednesday I went to the Wedding of a graduate student in our lab, at a beautiful setting called Ganei Cananaan. It is just past Ramle about 15-20 minutes from Tel Aviv. The Chupa is on a pond with criss-crossing walkways. Very pretty and the Chattan and Kallah were properly feted by their friends and family. On Thursday I was invited to be taped for a new Web site providing allergy information for parents and children. It was a marathon session at my friend Ilan Dallal’s office in Holon (Wolfson Hospital) and hopeful they can find enough good clips for a useful presentation. Look for AllergyMD.com at a internet kiosk near you!!

Lost in Translation, Israel style: On a store on Jaffa Road: “We have past to 22 Haneviim” (Does that me that's their old address??)
(Hebrew for moved to a new place is “Avarnu”, which shares the root ‘past’, as in past tence, as well as ‘l’avor’ to cross over” )
On a bus shelter, an add for a general handyman for your home: Special! Apartment Constriction!! (and I thought Israeli apartments were small already! Apparently not….)
Since this is the last Jerusalem post, I have to comment on something I have noticed now that I have been around for almost 6 months. Israeli’s are not all that friendly to strangers, although not unfriendly, just kind of apathetic. This is probably for a good reason; there are so many tourists and chutznik-part timers, that you never know how ‘serious” someone is about living here. Israeli’s, whether native or new immigrant, certainly take pride in their ability to tough things out and live here in spite of the odds. It is really quite amazing sometimes, when people work 2-3 jobs and do what ever they have to to make ends meet, just to experience living here. Therefore, “Johnny come sometimes” people are not rapidly acknowledged. This may sound like a generalization, but I have been to a large enough number of synagogues to tell you that the ‘spontaneous greeter” is not commonly found, especially in Jerusalem. However, in the last few weeks, I have definitely noticed a difference; it is as if I have crossed an invisible threshold and have hung around enough to be greeted like other ‘regulars’. Oh well, just as I am leaving. With the kids here and especially Shoshana, I guess Barbara and I will be back soon in any case.
Please wish refuah shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and tamar Dina bat Smadar
Happy Birthday to someone, I am sure (tell me who I forgot!)
Shabbat Shalom to everyone, and greet one stranger this Shabbat. Maybe with little kindnesses we will merit more Devine assistance in this crazy world!
Bruce and Barbara
My last full week in Jerusalem was just that; FULL. We started out on Shabbat with Ariel, who had been really under the weather all week, coming for Shabbat so he could just take it easy. A good night’s sleep and some good food (even chicken soup) seemed to really help; by Shabbat Afternoon he really seemed better (with the help of some antibiotics for his sinus infection as well!). We had Nomi, Elan and Shoshana for Shabbat lunch, which gave me the chance to really cook for Shabbat for the first time in weeks. I have to stay in practice for Cote St. Luc, you know. Ariel and I had coffee and bagels and a great chat after we did some paper work on Motzei Shabbat. The week went on with more lab work, trying to get the projects organized to continue now on two different continents.
Monday was Tu B’shvat, which allowed me to bring some really nice Israeli (not Turkish) fruit to our lab meeting. We shared stories of Tu B’shvat and I told everyone of our care packages with rock hard boxer (carob) every year in elementary school.
Then came the ‘last’ Tuesday night dinner,… for now. A spectacular feast of filet of sole, pasta primavera and Greek salad, topped off with strawberries, melon and rogelach. I think that Eli Cohen, who crashed once and became a regular will miss our cooking as much if not more than our kids! Shoshana enjoyed the past, strawberries and melon very much. I will try to post the strawberry video tot Facebook!
Tu B’shvat is a spectacular time to appreciate Israel. There are amazing blossoms on the trees, and the weather was starting to warm up. Till Tuesday, that is, when the temperature dove, the winds picked up and we had a major thunderstorm with rain on and off for about 24 hours. I got caught in a hail storm coming back from Elan and Nomi’s house. Thank G-d for the Inbal where I was able to duck inside before I became a victim of hail like in the 10 plagues. Wednesday I went to the Wedding of a graduate student in our lab, at a beautiful setting called Ganei Cananaan. It is just past Ramle about 15-20 minutes from Tel Aviv. The Chupa is on a pond with criss-crossing walkways. Very pretty and the Chattan and Kallah were properly feted by their friends and family. On Thursday I was invited to be taped for a new Web site providing allergy information for parents and children. It was a marathon session at my friend Ilan Dallal’s office in Holon (Wolfson Hospital) and hopeful they can find enough good clips for a useful presentation. Look for AllergyMD.com at a internet kiosk near you!!
Lost in Translation, Israel style: On a store on Jaffa Road: “We have past to 22 Haneviim” (Does that me that's their old address??)
(Hebrew for moved to a new place is “Avarnu”, which shares the root ‘past’, as in past tence, as well as ‘l’avor’ to cross over” )
On a bus shelter, an add for a general handyman for your home: Special! Apartment Constriction!! (and I thought Israeli apartments were small already! Apparently not….)
Since this is the last Jerusalem post, I have to comment on something I have noticed now that I have been around for almost 6 months. Israeli’s are not all that friendly to strangers, although not unfriendly, just kind of apathetic. This is probably for a good reason; there are so many tourists and chutznik-part timers, that you never know how ‘serious” someone is about living here. Israeli’s, whether native or new immigrant, certainly take pride in their ability to tough things out and live here in spite of the odds. It is really quite amazing sometimes, when people work 2-3 jobs and do what ever they have to to make ends meet, just to experience living here. Therefore, “Johnny come sometimes” people are not rapidly acknowledged. This may sound like a generalization, but I have been to a large enough number of synagogues to tell you that the ‘spontaneous greeter” is not commonly found, especially in Jerusalem. However, in the last few weeks, I have definitely noticed a difference; it is as if I have crossed an invisible threshold and have hung around enough to be greeted like other ‘regulars’. Oh well, just as I am leaving. With the kids here and especially Shoshana, I guess Barbara and I will be back soon in any case.
Please wish refuah shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and tamar Dina bat Smadar
Happy Birthday to someone, I am sure (tell me who I forgot!)
Shabbat Shalom to everyone, and greet one stranger this Shabbat. Maybe with little kindnesses we will merit more Devine assistance in this crazy world!
Bruce and Barbara
Friday, February 6, 2009
January 30-February 6
As we wind down this incredible experience, the weather begins to be more spring like. After all, next week is Tu-B’Shevat, the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shevat. This is the New Year for the trees. It has important religious significance, in terms of the timing of certain agricultural obligations, but for most people it is a time to celebrate the beauty and wonder of this oasis in the desert, to partake in its fruits and thank G-d for the kind gifts He has given us. Now, for many of us who live outside of Israel, Tu B-Shevat conjures up memories of eating inedible boxer fruit (or was it carob?) and singing about almonds flowering and olive trees standing (Atzei Zeitim Omdim! Atzei Zeitim Omdim!)
This year, I can see almond trees in bloom, cherry blossoms, and other flowers popping up. Walking to the bus, I saw people were busy planting flowers (sounds a bit strange in February, no?) All appreciating the beauty of this very special place.
Last Shabbat was spent in Neve Daniel, at the home of Reuven and Chani Or. The Or’s were the first of consecutive Israeli neighborhs we had on Cedar Ave in Denver. They had 4 children including two teenage daughters who were great baby sitters. Now, 20 years later, there are 10 Or grandchildren (9 years to 3 months) and Reuven takes great pleasure in conducting the singing at the Shabbat table. Neve Daniel is 10 minutes south of Jerusalem, yet because it is over the “green line” it is considered “West Bank”. Sorry, no water or river banks in view. Again, like Talmon, it is near a major center, this time Bethlehem. Everyone looks as much like a “settler” as people in Cedarhurst, Dollard or Aurora Colorado (less stores). It is a beautiful residential suburb of 300 families. On Shabbat however, I went to shul with Meir Or (the youngest of Reuven and Chani’s kids) to Sdei Boaz, which is a new “outpost” on the next hill top, 20 minutes from the house. The walk and scenery was spectacular, and we ended up at a village of trailers, and makeshift dwellings. It is a strategic hilltop, and this is why people have come to live there. We arrived early, as Meir likes to set up the shul, but first we stopped to feed the horse. You got that right…sometimes I wish I had a Shabbat camera!
The week flew by, as it was punctuated by a conference at Tel Aviv University on Tuesday. To not have to get up at the crack of dawn, I went to Ruth and Itamar Maliach’s in Givat Shmuel on Monday night. We had a lovely dinner and in the morning I was able to take one bus directly to the TAU to attend the Israeli Immunology Society annual meeting. The meeting was very good, and the weather in TA spectacular. We had our usual dinner at Elan’s house after (I was a bit late but had prepared before) and everyone enjoyed honey chili Oriental chicken. The only down side was that most everyone was under the weather, with a bad flu going around the Yeshiva. Only Shoshana (and me) seemed to be in good health…Shoshana scurrying around the floor after everything. She’s really bouncing around these days!
Wednesday night I was privileged to hear Profesor Abraham Steinberg, a well known expert in Jewish Medical Ethics. He spoke about the challenges of defining human beings, mothers and fathers in light of the new advances in fertility. Pretty challenging questions.
And there happens to be a little election coming up on Tuesday. Nothing special, just the future of the country for the next 4 years. Israeli’s have a very different attitude than North American’s to voting. They believe that their candidate has to most closely mirror all of their values. That is why there are so many splinter parties that do so well. As we know, the net effect is chaos, with coalitions that are unwieldy. Independently in multiple discussions with people, Elan and I arrived at the same conclusion…as Elan put it, they think it’s like voting for class president…they guy you like gets your vote. It doesn’t matter if there is paralysis in the government!
Interestingly, it will be a very right wing government, since if the polls mean anything the only politician who has gained over the campaign in the Avigdor Lieberman, the head of Israel our Home (Yisrael Beitenu). Tuesday is a day off for everyone on election day, so it should be an interesting one!
Today I have the pleasure of preparing Shabbat for our children…Ariel’s flu became a sinusitis, and he needed some time off, and Elan and Nomi and Shoshana are joining us for lunch tomorrow. During my shopping I bumped into Bilha Fruchter, here for a visit. She looks great and will join us for desert tomorrow.
Please wish Monty a very Happy Birthday (even if he is in New York this week!)
Please Wish Jacob Mazer a super happy 17th!
Please pray for Refuah Shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Brach Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dian bat Smadar.
Wishing you all a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat Shalom.
This year, I can see almond trees in bloom, cherry blossoms, and other flowers popping up. Walking to the bus, I saw people were busy planting flowers (sounds a bit strange in February, no?) All appreciating the beauty of this very special place.
Last Shabbat was spent in Neve Daniel, at the home of Reuven and Chani Or. The Or’s were the first of consecutive Israeli neighborhs we had on Cedar Ave in Denver. They had 4 children including two teenage daughters who were great baby sitters. Now, 20 years later, there are 10 Or grandchildren (9 years to 3 months) and Reuven takes great pleasure in conducting the singing at the Shabbat table. Neve Daniel is 10 minutes south of Jerusalem, yet because it is over the “green line” it is considered “West Bank”. Sorry, no water or river banks in view. Again, like Talmon, it is near a major center, this time Bethlehem. Everyone looks as much like a “settler” as people in Cedarhurst, Dollard or Aurora Colorado (less stores). It is a beautiful residential suburb of 300 families. On Shabbat however, I went to shul with Meir Or (the youngest of Reuven and Chani’s kids) to Sdei Boaz, which is a new “outpost” on the next hill top, 20 minutes from the house. The walk and scenery was spectacular, and we ended up at a village of trailers, and makeshift dwellings. It is a strategic hilltop, and this is why people have come to live there. We arrived early, as Meir likes to set up the shul, but first we stopped to feed the horse. You got that right…sometimes I wish I had a Shabbat camera!
The week flew by, as it was punctuated by a conference at Tel Aviv University on Tuesday. To not have to get up at the crack of dawn, I went to Ruth and Itamar Maliach’s in Givat Shmuel on Monday night. We had a lovely dinner and in the morning I was able to take one bus directly to the TAU to attend the Israeli Immunology Society annual meeting. The meeting was very good, and the weather in TA spectacular. We had our usual dinner at Elan’s house after (I was a bit late but had prepared before) and everyone enjoyed honey chili Oriental chicken. The only down side was that most everyone was under the weather, with a bad flu going around the Yeshiva. Only Shoshana (and me) seemed to be in good health…Shoshana scurrying around the floor after everything. She’s really bouncing around these days!
Wednesday night I was privileged to hear Profesor Abraham Steinberg, a well known expert in Jewish Medical Ethics. He spoke about the challenges of defining human beings, mothers and fathers in light of the new advances in fertility. Pretty challenging questions.
And there happens to be a little election coming up on Tuesday. Nothing special, just the future of the country for the next 4 years. Israeli’s have a very different attitude than North American’s to voting. They believe that their candidate has to most closely mirror all of their values. That is why there are so many splinter parties that do so well. As we know, the net effect is chaos, with coalitions that are unwieldy. Independently in multiple discussions with people, Elan and I arrived at the same conclusion…as Elan put it, they think it’s like voting for class president…they guy you like gets your vote. It doesn’t matter if there is paralysis in the government!
Interestingly, it will be a very right wing government, since if the polls mean anything the only politician who has gained over the campaign in the Avigdor Lieberman, the head of Israel our Home (Yisrael Beitenu). Tuesday is a day off for everyone on election day, so it should be an interesting one!
Today I have the pleasure of preparing Shabbat for our children…Ariel’s flu became a sinusitis, and he needed some time off, and Elan and Nomi and Shoshana are joining us for lunch tomorrow. During my shopping I bumped into Bilha Fruchter, here for a visit. She looks great and will join us for desert tomorrow.
Please wish Monty a very Happy Birthday (even if he is in New York this week!)
Please Wish Jacob Mazer a super happy 17th!
Please pray for Refuah Shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Brach Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dian bat Smadar.
Wishing you all a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat Shalom.
Friday, January 30, 2009
January 23-30
I can’t believe that I have hit the last month of my sojourn here. Check that, as of now I am here for three more weeks, three more Shabbatot, three more Tuesday night dinners with the Israel-dwelling kids….It is amazing how fast the time has gone. Barbara has been home for 3 weeks (and a great thanks to all who have hosted her for Shabbat and taken care of her) and Monty and Daniella have B’H settled in their new apartment (although I’m told they were very good company while on Sunrise); soon I will join them. 
Meantime, I think the Jerusalem population is completely exhausted by politics and elections, not to mention the Gaza War. There was much more buzz for the mayor’s election in November, or even the Obama election, than there is here for the national vote. Most of the adds on buses, bus shelters and on the streets are for parties with little chance of forming the government, so the are scratching and clawing for what they can get…religious parties, Shas, a couple of Yisrael Beitenu ads for Leiberman… of course there are a few scattered Bibi posters (Likud: Strong on Security; Strong on the Economy) and I saw one new Barak poster (they pulled the (“Not a Wimp- a leader” campaign in favor of a picture of a snarling Ehud in front of a picture of Tzipi looking perplexed and a picture of Bibi looking lost). Conspicuosly absent are legions of Kadima posters. The polls as you probably know say we are going to have a right wing government, with Likud as the head, and Likud is on record as saying they want a national unity government, but we will see how it plays out…right? Meanwhile stay tuned.
I was in Modi-in last Shabbat to see Robert Goldberger prior to his return to Canada for another sojourn in to the wilds of family medicine in Ontario. It sounds like he is sorely needed and if there were another couple of dozen it would not hurt, either. He set a record for patients through his turnstile in the burbs outside of Toronto one day after Christmas; in the 120’s. I know its no better in Quebec. Meanwhile, when Shoshana had a cough, congestion and fever a few weeks ago and I suggested she see a doctor the following morning, by 10 AM they had been to the local pediatric clininc, examined diagnosed and antibiotics prescribed. Very efficient! (She got better very fast, in case you’re interested). Modi’in is always nice, in a large part due to the Karen and Robert’s hospitality. In addition, it is a nice ‘suburban’ type community. No reral industry, very residential; a nice mix of Israelis, North American’s, and others mixed in. Last week my old college friend Bruce Epstein and his family joined us for Shabbat lunch, which was fun. There are about 6 synagogues that are within walking distance of the Goldberger’s home, with great names: The Pizza Shul (2 wedge shaped buildings), the Bunker Shul (they ran out of money so the services are in the dug out basement, with nothing else around) and a new Yemenite synagogue that has been under construction for a year. The Goldbergers family go to a very friendly synagogue that was built this summer, but the group had been together for many years. The synagogue is lovely, with beautiful hardwood furniture and I hope it serves the community well for many years.
Speaking of Shoshana, she has some great new tricks! She crawls, does “push ups” and has been even more steady pulling herself up to stand and ‘walking’ assisted around the crib. Amazing since she is just a week over 6 months. Her day care ‘mitapelet’ says she crawls around the house all day when she is there. I think Elan and Nomi better start baby proofing the apartment!
I had a fascinating dinner with Ariel on Wednesday night. I told him that I wanted to make sure he has something to eat other than Yeshiva food a couple of nights a week (which he does not really eat), so along with our Tuesday dinner at Elan’s I’ve tried to take him out once a week. The only catch is that it has to be quick, so he can get back for night seder. The other two times were with Elan and Nomi, but this week we had a shawarma picnic and had a chance to talk. We always say that the year in Israel is one of tremendous growth and maturation for our children, but I must say how proud and impressed I was with where Ariel is at, his interests and his tireless work ethic. He thoroughly enjoys what he is doing, and really thrives in an environment where everyone is motivated and he feels that he is pushed a bit. I look forward to more of these talks.
This morning I am preparing for Shabbat, working on a grant proposal and organizing to go to Nevi Daniel, where our friends Reuven and Chani Or and family live. So, another Shabbat in Judean Hills. There is prediction for much needed rain over Shabbat, but this morning it was bright and sunny and very pleasant out. I am happy to share the warmth with all those (shivering) in North America.
Please wish my favorite sister Roanne a very Happy Birthday!
Also, I was remiss in not wishing Jeff Rein a very Happy Birthday earlier this month, so here it is now!!
Mazel Tov to the Pincus Family on the birth of a boy!
Please pray for Refuah Shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Brach Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dian bat Smadar.
Wishing you all a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat Shalom.
Meantime, I think the Jerusalem population is completely exhausted by politics and elections, not to mention the Gaza War. There was much more buzz for the mayor’s election in November, or even the Obama election, than there is here for the national vote. Most of the adds on buses, bus shelters and on the streets are for parties with little chance of forming the government, so the are scratching and clawing for what they can get…religious parties, Shas, a couple of Yisrael Beitenu ads for Leiberman… of course there are a few scattered Bibi posters (Likud: Strong on Security; Strong on the Economy) and I saw one new Barak poster (they pulled the (“Not a Wimp- a leader” campaign in favor of a picture of a snarling Ehud in front of a picture of Tzipi looking perplexed and a picture of Bibi looking lost). Conspicuosly absent are legions of Kadima posters. The polls as you probably know say we are going to have a right wing government, with Likud as the head, and Likud is on record as saying they want a national unity government, but we will see how it plays out…right? Meanwhile stay tuned.
I was in Modi-in last Shabbat to see Robert Goldberger prior to his return to Canada for another sojourn in to the wilds of family medicine in Ontario. It sounds like he is sorely needed and if there were another couple of dozen it would not hurt, either. He set a record for patients through his turnstile in the burbs outside of Toronto one day after Christmas; in the 120’s. I know its no better in Quebec. Meanwhile, when Shoshana had a cough, congestion and fever a few weeks ago and I suggested she see a doctor the following morning, by 10 AM they had been to the local pediatric clininc, examined diagnosed and antibiotics prescribed. Very efficient! (She got better very fast, in case you’re interested). Modi’in is always nice, in a large part due to the Karen and Robert’s hospitality. In addition, it is a nice ‘suburban’ type community. No reral industry, very residential; a nice mix of Israelis, North American’s, and others mixed in. Last week my old college friend Bruce Epstein and his family joined us for Shabbat lunch, which was fun. There are about 6 synagogues that are within walking distance of the Goldberger’s home, with great names: The Pizza Shul (2 wedge shaped buildings), the Bunker Shul (they ran out of money so the services are in the dug out basement, with nothing else around) and a new Yemenite synagogue that has been under construction for a year. The Goldbergers family go to a very friendly synagogue that was built this summer, but the group had been together for many years. The synagogue is lovely, with beautiful hardwood furniture and I hope it serves the community well for many years.
Speaking of Shoshana, she has some great new tricks! She crawls, does “push ups” and has been even more steady pulling herself up to stand and ‘walking’ assisted around the crib. Amazing since she is just a week over 6 months. Her day care ‘mitapelet’ says she crawls around the house all day when she is there. I think Elan and Nomi better start baby proofing the apartment!
I had a fascinating dinner with Ariel on Wednesday night. I told him that I wanted to make sure he has something to eat other than Yeshiva food a couple of nights a week (which he does not really eat), so along with our Tuesday dinner at Elan’s I’ve tried to take him out once a week. The only catch is that it has to be quick, so he can get back for night seder. The other two times were with Elan and Nomi, but this week we had a shawarma picnic and had a chance to talk. We always say that the year in Israel is one of tremendous growth and maturation for our children, but I must say how proud and impressed I was with where Ariel is at, his interests and his tireless work ethic. He thoroughly enjoys what he is doing, and really thrives in an environment where everyone is motivated and he feels that he is pushed a bit. I look forward to more of these talks.
This morning I am preparing for Shabbat, working on a grant proposal and organizing to go to Nevi Daniel, where our friends Reuven and Chani Or and family live. So, another Shabbat in Judean Hills. There is prediction for much needed rain over Shabbat, but this morning it was bright and sunny and very pleasant out. I am happy to share the warmth with all those (shivering) in North America.
Please wish my favorite sister Roanne a very Happy Birthday!
Also, I was remiss in not wishing Jeff Rein a very Happy Birthday earlier this month, so here it is now!!
Mazel Tov to the Pincus Family on the birth of a boy!
Please pray for Refuah Shlema for Gilad Hillel ben Brach Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dian bat Smadar.
Wishing you all a peaceful and meaningful Shabbat Shalom.
Friday, January 23, 2009
January 16-23
The official war is over, and thank G-d there were very few Israeli casualties. Things are getting a little more normal (people are talking about other things, for example) and I and most of my work colleagues are not checking news internet sites every 10 minutes. The Gilad Shalit booth in front of the Prime Minister’s residence, which was very subdued during the war (as part of the solidarity, which was amazing) held a big noisy protest to get Gilad (who we hope is still OK after the war) returned home. Most of all, the political life is returning to normal, with the usual sniping between the political players (Olmert: “Barak did an excellent job as defense minister in the war but Prime Minister? Let’s not exaggerate”) and street corners now have people passing out all kinds or propaganda to play up a candidate or party. I will try to give you some snippets of what this is like from inside, not stuff that you can read in the papers, but cool stuff on the street, as we come to the February election.
And now for some excitement that didn’t (or won't) reach the papers. I spent Shabbat last week in Talmon, a beautiful Yishuv in hills surrounding Ramallah. It is really idyllic; quiet, clean are, forested; a beautiful testimony to the industriousness of Israeli’s. Friday night, in the forest in the next yishuv over (Dolev) 6 Arab youths lit a can of gasoline and threw it in the forest. The good news is that IDF caught them and the volunteer fire departments of Talmon, Naaleh and Dolev and even Ofra 45 minutes away rescued most of the forest.
How do I know this? Ronen Sela is a volunteer firefighter. He left the house for about 3 hours on Friday night (and wrecked his new New Balance running shoes!) To be honest, this may have made the jpost headlines reading something like “IDF captures 6 suspected west bank terrorists. 6 youths from Ein Arik were apprehended near Dolev last night for suspicious activity (film at 11).” So if you saw that headline, now you know the details!
One thing that anyone who visits the “occupied” West Bank can see is that is not really very occupied. Talmon is really pretty and looking over the hills at all the vast spaces that are unpopulated it is pretty clear that the Palestinians are very clever to portray their plight as a territorial one rather than a religious purge of the Jews (which certainly for Hamas and their ilk is the reality). If anyone would bother to look at the actual place, they would see plenty of room for everyone. Maybe it/s different in Gaza (but we're not there anymore) but the Yehuda V'shomron has lots of room for everyone...
Jerusalem is always an interesting place to live. As I was coming home on the bus Sunday, there was a huge traffic jam a block before one of the bus stops near our neighborhood. There was a road block was being by the police and the Army. Then we saw a group of large black Limos shoot by. The street remained cordoned off, and the bus had to turn down another street for a wide detour (fortunately I could get off before it got too far). What was going on, you ask? Ehud was having a little dinner party; Nick, Angela, Gordie, Juan, and a few others were invited. Since our apartment is 4 blocks east of the PMO, the neighborhood traffic was re-routed. I understand Ismael invited the group for desert, but there wasn’t a big enough tunnel left.
This week I wandered over to Elan’s house for dinner twice
(take out once, my home cooking as usual Tuesday, thanks to Zeida for the recipe!). We got to watch as Shoshana performed her new tricks; pulling herself up to stand and walking across her crib. For a treat, check out the video on Facebook (although it is 3 minutes and usually only relatives have than much patience!!).
Between writing 2 grants, there was not much more time this week for evening activity. I am going to spend Shabbat in Modi-in with the Goldbergers, and Ariel will be in the same city but with other friends. The Yeshiva couple will be hosting boys for a meal. I went to pick up some Rogelach for Karen, Robert and family at Ariel’s favorite place (only 24 shekels/kg… Haval al hazman!) The next cheapest are 30+ and the big places (Ne-eman, Marzipan) are over 40 and I don’t think they are better. On the way I note that the Jerusalem light rail project, so far a disaster for Jaffa st. is starting to make progress. much of the track is now down in the downtown area near Kikar Tziyon. I also finally had a good cup of coffee. I have debated with many that Israelis don’t know the meaning of good coffee. We call this the land of milk and honey, but in most cafés it’s the land of milky (weak) coffee! It is the only place I have ever travelled where you need to order your coffee strong (chazak) because the regular is watered down on purpose (and some people specifically ask for Chalash or weak in the cafes!) Anyway, I stopped in at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on my way to the rogelach. This is an LA based chain, and although they don’t make American style coffee, they make a great Americano. Finally, B’H.
Please pray for refuah for Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, who underwent surgery this week, for Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dina Bat Smadar.
And most important: Best wishes for the happiest of Birthdays to Barbara. There has never been a better partner, helpmate or friend ever created and I am eternally grateful that we have been blessed to be together.
Shabbat Shalom!
And now for some excitement that didn’t (or won't) reach the papers. I spent Shabbat last week in Talmon, a beautiful Yishuv in hills surrounding Ramallah. It is really idyllic; quiet, clean are, forested; a beautiful testimony to the industriousness of Israeli’s. Friday night, in the forest in the next yishuv over (Dolev) 6 Arab youths lit a can of gasoline and threw it in the forest. The good news is that IDF caught them and the volunteer fire departments of Talmon, Naaleh and Dolev and even Ofra 45 minutes away rescued most of the forest.
One thing that anyone who visits the “occupied” West Bank can see is that is not really very occupied. Talmon is really pretty and looking over the hills at all the vast spaces that are unpopulated it is pretty clear that the Palestinians are very clever to portray their plight as a territorial one rather than a religious purge of the Jews (which certainly for Hamas and their ilk is the reality). If anyone would bother to look at the actual place, they would see plenty of room for everyone. Maybe it/s different in Gaza (but we're not there anymore) but the Yehuda V'shomron has lots of room for everyone...
Jerusalem is always an interesting place to live. As I was coming home on the bus Sunday, there was a huge traffic jam a block before one of the bus stops near our neighborhood. There was a road block was being by the police and the Army. Then we saw a group of large black Limos shoot by. The street remained cordoned off, and the bus had to turn down another street for a wide detour (fortunately I could get off before it got too far). What was going on, you ask? Ehud was having a little dinner party; Nick, Angela, Gordie, Juan, and a few others were invited. Since our apartment is 4 blocks east of the PMO, the neighborhood traffic was re-routed. I understand Ismael invited the group for desert, but there wasn’t a big enough tunnel left.
This week I wandered over to Elan’s house for dinner twice
Between writing 2 grants, there was not much more time this week for evening activity. I am going to spend Shabbat in Modi-in with the Goldbergers, and Ariel will be in the same city but with other friends. The Yeshiva couple will be hosting boys for a meal. I went to pick up some Rogelach for Karen, Robert and family at Ariel’s favorite place (only 24 shekels/kg… Haval al hazman!) The next cheapest are 30+ and the big places (Ne-eman, Marzipan) are over 40 and I don’t think they are better. On the way I note that the Jerusalem light rail project, so far a disaster for Jaffa st. is starting to make progress. much of the track is now down in the downtown area near Kikar Tziyon. I also finally had a good cup of coffee. I have debated with many that Israelis don’t know the meaning of good coffee. We call this the land of milk and honey, but in most cafés it’s the land of milky (weak) coffee! It is the only place I have ever travelled where you need to order your coffee strong (chazak) because the regular is watered down on purpose (and some people specifically ask for Chalash or weak in the cafes!) Anyway, I stopped in at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on my way to the rogelach. This is an LA based chain, and although they don’t make American style coffee, they make a great Americano. Finally, B’H.
Please pray for refuah for Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, who underwent surgery this week, for Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dina Bat Smadar.
And most important: Best wishes for the happiest of Birthdays to Barbara. There has never been a better partner, helpmate or friend ever created and I am eternally grateful that we have been blessed to be together.
Shabbat Shalom!
Friday, January 16, 2009
January 9-16
As of this writing we are finishing the third week of the Gaza war. It is has been a time of really crazy emotions here, with an unprecedented 90+% Israeli support for this effort. The Peace Now people and the like have been conspicuously quiet. I mean, who in their right mind could honestly say to an Israeli pollster that Hamas is not a deserving target for the reckless way they have endangered the Israeli population in the south, not to mention their long history of homicide bombings and their charter commitment to the destruction of the State of Israel. Even today, when a bizarre coalition of left wing organizations here applied to Attorney General Mazuz to investigate IDF ‘war crimes’ (which was rejected) they did not mention the incursion itself as a problem or an illegal war or any of the other names we hear in the liberal western media. At present, as you are aware I am sure, the Egyptian peace initiative is being finalized with the input of both major players plus the US, the Hamas absentee leadership is posturing (“Israel is desparate; they have endured more casualties than we have”) and the ante is being upped in Gaza as we speak. Hopefully by next week it will be quieter on all fronts, but especially in the cities of Sderot, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Be-er Sheva and all points in between.
I would like to share an essay I wrote with you, about the coverage of the situation. If you want to read it, you can find it here (paste into your browser or go t the blog home page):
Enough politics for now. There was lots of life in Jerusalem….
Talk about amazing. Ariel and I went to the great synagogue on Shabbat morning to hear our friend, Cantor Yaacov Motzen, daven with the great synagogue choir. For those who have never been to the great Synagogue in Jerusalem, it is very unique. It has a large, beautiful sanctuary with a high cavernous ceiling and excellent acoustics for a massive room. The services are very formal, characterized by elevated liturgical music and a very experienced professional choir. The music is beautiful, but for many, the mix of formality, choir and elevated cantorial chanting can give the services an almost performance-like aspect that at times can take the feeling out of the prayer. In contrast, those who know Yaacov know just how unique he is. A real scholar of Judaism who studied in excellent Yeshivot, he is blessed with a phenomenal voice and a very deep kavanah (hard to translate; probably “deep religious intensity” is the best). When he sings, you feel it. The congregation was spellbound and captured in his rendition of the prayers. Two highlights, very pertinent to the times in Israel; a beautiful spirited rendition of the prayer to watch over the soldiers of the IDF (I had never heard that one). The second was his moving Yizkerem (found in the prayer Av harachamim; for the text and translation see here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Av_HaRachamim ). The centerpiece of this composition is a melody he composed when his brother was killed in the war in 1982. The stirring melody plus the emotional rendition of the words of the prayer had everyone deeply moved. When he ended with an upbeat Adon Olam full of great harmonies (note to Rabbi Ebbin: I hope the congregation has this one down pat by now!) everyone practically applauded (which isn’t really very cool in shul, except in Chomedey…).
Afterwards, Ariel and I polished off a cholent and appropriate beverages and talk over lunch. It was great to just chill and catch up on how much he has grown with the experience of this year in Israel. Since it was Ariel’s birthday this week (#18!) we did some celebrating, with a dinner at Sheyan Chinese restaurant including Elan and Nomi of course. Shoshana slept through the whole thing, to which I was very disappointed, but her parents greatly enjoyed having a great meal uninterrupted. At least on Tuesday I got to play with her, as we continued our Tuesday dinner and g’marrah sessions. To get to watch from week to week Shoshana’s growth and new tricks is tremendous. She is now pulling herself up to stand in her crib.
This is accompanied by terrific smiles and games of peek-a-boo. You’ve seen her in her high chair (check out last week) and now she is enjoying more solid foods. Now an “only in Israel” moment. I went to the pharmacy with Elan to get some formula and baby cereal. Among the pure rice, pure wheat, pure barley and pure corn etc for 4-6 month olds, there was, for 9 month old babies, Chocolate baby cereal! Who would want to eat anything else?
In the lab, I continued to make good progress, plus we started a “spin-off” project based on our data, with our old neigbohr from Denver, Reuven Or. Reuven is head of bone marrow transplantation at Hadassah Medical center, and recently was awarded the Menachem Begin Prize for contribution to Israel’s society. He, along with Magen David Adom, established the first national cord blood bank for transplantation in Israel. That is quite an accomplishment anywhere, but especially in Israel, where everyone wants to be the head of everything and own their own fiefdom! To bring people together and cooperate is a real feat and Reuven definitely deserves the prize.
Part of this entry is being written at 2:47 AM on Thursday night. Why, you ask? Because, I just got back from Ariel’s yeshiva. The yeshiva has a Thursday night program for the first year guys, with a “Mussar Schmooze” (rough translation: Lecture on morals and attitudes, but it sounds better in Yiddish/Hebrew) and then a Kiddush (at 2 AM). There is a sponsor every week, and this week we sponsored in honor of Ariel’s birthday. Some may remember I sponsored in September in honor of Shoshana. It was pretty impressive how fast a bunch of guys can polish off plates of chicken nuggets and kugel, and of course there was a birthday cake. It was accompanied by great singing and happy birthday wishes and then the kids go off to learn some more Torah. Me? I went home, but it was fun and exciting so I am writing till I start to doze…zzzzzzz
This Shabbat we are all going to be in different places. Elan and Nomi in Moddiin with her parents, Ariel to friends in Moshav Nevei Aliza, and I am going to see Ronen and Michal Sela in Talmon.
Please have in your prayers Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah, Tamar Dina bat Smadar and all the wounded members of T”ZHAL.
A very Happy Birthday to Sylvia Fruchter and to Zev Kessler! (and don't to forget Ariel Mazer!)
Have a Shabbat Shalom and keep warm!
I would like to share an essay I wrote with you, about the coverage of the situation. If you want to read it, you can find it here (paste into your browser or go t the blog home page):
Enough politics for now. There was lots of life in Jerusalem….
Talk about amazing. Ariel and I went to the great synagogue on Shabbat morning to hear our friend, Cantor Yaacov Motzen, daven with the great synagogue choir. For those who have never been to the great Synagogue in Jerusalem, it is very unique. It has a large, beautiful sanctuary with a high cavernous ceiling and excellent acoustics for a massive room. The services are very formal, characterized by elevated liturgical music and a very experienced professional choir. The music is beautiful, but for many, the mix of formality, choir and elevated cantorial chanting can give the services an almost performance-like aspect that at times can take the feeling out of the prayer. In contrast, those who know Yaacov know just how unique he is. A real scholar of Judaism who studied in excellent Yeshivot, he is blessed with a phenomenal voice and a very deep kavanah (hard to translate; probably “deep religious intensity” is the best). When he sings, you feel it. The congregation was spellbound and captured in his rendition of the prayers. Two highlights, very pertinent to the times in Israel; a beautiful spirited rendition of the prayer to watch over the soldiers of the IDF (I had never heard that one). The second was his moving Yizkerem (found in the prayer Av harachamim; for the text and translation see here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Av_HaRachamim ). The centerpiece of this composition is a melody he composed when his brother was killed in the war in 1982. The stirring melody plus the emotional rendition of the words of the prayer had everyone deeply moved. When he ended with an upbeat Adon Olam full of great harmonies (note to Rabbi Ebbin: I hope the congregation has this one down pat by now!) everyone practically applauded (which isn’t really very cool in shul, except in Chomedey…).
Afterwards, Ariel and I polished off a cholent and appropriate beverages and talk over lunch. It was great to just chill and catch up on how much he has grown with the experience of this year in Israel. Since it was Ariel’s birthday this week (#18!) we did some celebrating, with a dinner at Sheyan Chinese restaurant including Elan and Nomi of course. Shoshana slept through the whole thing, to which I was very disappointed, but her parents greatly enjoyed having a great meal uninterrupted. At least on Tuesday I got to play with her, as we continued our Tuesday dinner and g’marrah sessions. To get to watch from week to week Shoshana’s growth and new tricks is tremendous. She is now pulling herself up to stand in her crib.
In the lab, I continued to make good progress, plus we started a “spin-off” project based on our data, with our old neigbohr from Denver, Reuven Or. Reuven is head of bone marrow transplantation at Hadassah Medical center, and recently was awarded the Menachem Begin Prize for contribution to Israel’s society. He, along with Magen David Adom, established the first national cord blood bank for transplantation in Israel. That is quite an accomplishment anywhere, but especially in Israel, where everyone wants to be the head of everything and own their own fiefdom! To bring people together and cooperate is a real feat and Reuven definitely deserves the prize.
Part of this entry is being written at 2:47 AM on Thursday night. Why, you ask? Because, I just got back from Ariel’s yeshiva. The yeshiva has a Thursday night program for the first year guys, with a “Mussar Schmooze” (rough translation: Lecture on morals and attitudes, but it sounds better in Yiddish/Hebrew) and then a Kiddush (at 2 AM). There is a sponsor every week, and this week we sponsored in honor of Ariel’s birthday. Some may remember I sponsored in September in honor of Shoshana. It was pretty impressive how fast a bunch of guys can polish off plates of chicken nuggets and kugel, and of course there was a birthday cake. It was accompanied by great singing and happy birthday wishes and then the kids go off to learn some more Torah. Me? I went home, but it was fun and exciting so I am writing till I start to doze…zzzzzzz
This Shabbat we are all going to be in different places. Elan and Nomi in Moddiin with her parents, Ariel to friends in Moshav Nevei Aliza, and I am going to see Ronen and Michal Sela in Talmon.
Please have in your prayers Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah, Tamar Dina bat Smadar and all the wounded members of T”ZHAL.
A very Happy Birthday to Sylvia Fruchter and to Zev Kessler! (and don't to forget Ariel Mazer!)
Have a Shabbat Shalom and keep warm!
A War Under a Microscope
We all do it. Since the war began in Gaza two weeks ago, we are glued to the computer, TV, radio, something to give us a glimpse of what is going on. We keep our browser on internet news websites, sometimes several at a time, and flip them compulsively. We get frustrated if there are no new updates even if the last viewing was 5 or 10 minutes before. Every movement, every blast, every quote is gobbled up. The news services know it. They armies know it. Mostly, the enemy knows it.
This is a war under a microscope. The public watches the war in real time and the broadcasts are instantaneous. The IDF even has a YouTube site to capture the public’s attention with footage. There is no room for error, no ability to just get on with the battle. Every witness with a cell phone/camera/recorder can portray what they wish of the proceedings.
This is a very difficult way to fight a war. In the two World Wars, in the days of mass communication being radio and well orchestrated newsreels of the war efforts, the governments provided the public with what they wished them to see. No more. Every casualty, no matter how peripheral, is immediately launched into the face of all who wish to see. The scrutiny creates two fronts; the battlefield itself and the war waged in the media, with the battlers defending every move that is made.
The problem with this is that, as any student of high school biology can tell you, a microscope is a great way to get close to the action, but is a lousy way to see the whole picture. As a scientist, someone who makes my living studying patterns of cells under microscopes, the message is very clear to me. To make a diagnosis, to understand the disease, or to comprehend the consequences of a particular inflammatory response, you need to look at multiple fields with your microscope. You need to get a complete picture, or else you miss the point. You could see healthy tissue and miss the disease, or you could see an aberration and miss the fact that the situation is not as alarming as you thought.
This war under a microscope can lead people to believe that the battle is a series of horrendous acts that have no point. Why would one not think that? A picture of a child lying on the street, a blown-up house, a doll lying on a passageway, a destroyed school…. This is what you see under the lens, looking at a narrow field that has been chosen for its effect, for its media punch, for its’ newsworthiness, or for its political message. But by viewing only a narrow field, you can clearly miss the point.
The big picture is one of a nation trying to protect itself in a fight against a terrorist entity. One of an army lifting up a doll on the ground and finding it attached to a land mine or leading into a subterranean catacomb storing arms and hiding fugitives. Of a war that pauses for 3 hours a day to allow for aid trucks to roll by, only to have the enemy hijack or “tax” the trucks and sell the goods to the suffering population. These things are not under the microscope, because they paint a picture that is totally different than the impression you can get from looking at a few select, ugly incidents.
The battle is one that we who have Western values should look at in the context of the global picture, rather than simply the microscope of Israelis and Palestinians. This is a war of a sovereign nation against a neighbor that professes a hatred of the very core values that we define as humanity. A foe that believes that a love of death supersedes love of life. Ironically, they focus on deaths and casualties publicly, while privately celebrating the “martyrdom” of the fallen. They utilize the civilians around as shields, then crow about the abhorrent behavior of the Israeli army when there is collateral damage. There is no need for them to consider a cease fire; every casualty that is accumulated just adds to the public relations ammunition that they have. They believe time is on their side, and they have honed and polished the lenses of the microscope to reflect what they wish the world to see. There is little difference between this approach and the explosive reaction to cartoons of Mohammed, and to other ‘justifications’ for terror. There is no real justification; it is simply the way they choose to focus the microscope.
We need to force the world to look at multiple fields, to scan the big picture, as it should. Then people will not just see unconnected scenes of damage and destruction. They will see a desperate struggle of a civilized nation who wishes to protect its citizens, who are fighting the battle that we hope does not spread all over the world. The battle for our fundamental freedom as civilized, democratic, G-d fearing nations. This is where the focus must be, as it is a goal that we cannot lose sight of.
This is a war under a microscope. The public watches the war in real time and the broadcasts are instantaneous. The IDF even has a YouTube site to capture the public’s attention with footage. There is no room for error, no ability to just get on with the battle. Every witness with a cell phone/camera/recorder can portray what they wish of the proceedings.
This is a very difficult way to fight a war. In the two World Wars, in the days of mass communication being radio and well orchestrated newsreels of the war efforts, the governments provided the public with what they wished them to see. No more. Every casualty, no matter how peripheral, is immediately launched into the face of all who wish to see. The scrutiny creates two fronts; the battlefield itself and the war waged in the media, with the battlers defending every move that is made.
The problem with this is that, as any student of high school biology can tell you, a microscope is a great way to get close to the action, but is a lousy way to see the whole picture. As a scientist, someone who makes my living studying patterns of cells under microscopes, the message is very clear to me. To make a diagnosis, to understand the disease, or to comprehend the consequences of a particular inflammatory response, you need to look at multiple fields with your microscope. You need to get a complete picture, or else you miss the point. You could see healthy tissue and miss the disease, or you could see an aberration and miss the fact that the situation is not as alarming as you thought.
This war under a microscope can lead people to believe that the battle is a series of horrendous acts that have no point. Why would one not think that? A picture of a child lying on the street, a blown-up house, a doll lying on a passageway, a destroyed school…. This is what you see under the lens, looking at a narrow field that has been chosen for its effect, for its media punch, for its’ newsworthiness, or for its political message. But by viewing only a narrow field, you can clearly miss the point.
The big picture is one of a nation trying to protect itself in a fight against a terrorist entity. One of an army lifting up a doll on the ground and finding it attached to a land mine or leading into a subterranean catacomb storing arms and hiding fugitives. Of a war that pauses for 3 hours a day to allow for aid trucks to roll by, only to have the enemy hijack or “tax” the trucks and sell the goods to the suffering population. These things are not under the microscope, because they paint a picture that is totally different than the impression you can get from looking at a few select, ugly incidents.
The battle is one that we who have Western values should look at in the context of the global picture, rather than simply the microscope of Israelis and Palestinians. This is a war of a sovereign nation against a neighbor that professes a hatred of the very core values that we define as humanity. A foe that believes that a love of death supersedes love of life. Ironically, they focus on deaths and casualties publicly, while privately celebrating the “martyrdom” of the fallen. They utilize the civilians around as shields, then crow about the abhorrent behavior of the Israeli army when there is collateral damage. There is no need for them to consider a cease fire; every casualty that is accumulated just adds to the public relations ammunition that they have. They believe time is on their side, and they have honed and polished the lenses of the microscope to reflect what they wish the world to see. There is little difference between this approach and the explosive reaction to cartoons of Mohammed, and to other ‘justifications’ for terror. There is no real justification; it is simply the way they choose to focus the microscope.
We need to force the world to look at multiple fields, to scan the big picture, as it should. Then people will not just see unconnected scenes of damage and destruction. They will see a desperate struggle of a civilized nation who wishes to protect its citizens, who are fighting the battle that we hope does not spread all over the world. The battle for our fundamental freedom as civilized, democratic, G-d fearing nations. This is where the focus must be, as it is a goal that we cannot lose sight of.
Friday, January 9, 2009
January 2-9
Several Israelis said to me over the last few weeks, as we bemoaned the lack of rain and the fact that the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) has been at very low levels, “I guess we won’t get any rain this year; the winter is almost over”. What were they saying??! For a Canadian, the end of December and the beginning of January are just the BEGINNING of winter. Last week in Jerusalem was really chilly, with temperatures around 0º C and two or three days of much needed rain. This week, Monday morning came without much of a chill in the air, and the ski jackets that were prevalent on the buses and in the streets were much fewer and farer between. I guess winter really is that short here. Of course, we should all be reminded that the snow in Israel in 2008 hit in the last week of January, so you never know.
As would be expected, people are clearly preoccupied by what is going on in Gaza. Although the battle is clearly in Israel’s favor, and the shelling is less (but not stopped), this is not a nation of warriors, no matter how battle hardened the average Israeli is. At a Tehillin and Tefilla program I went to last night sponsored by Emunah, Young Israel and the OU, one of the speakers started by saying that you don’t ask someone how long he’s lived here, you ask how many wars he’s lived through. That’s another thing that really makes this country unique, although I think most people would trade that aspect in, thank you. Everyone knows someone who has a son in Gaza (a rabbi who spoke last night has 2 sons there) and even though thank G-d the number of casualties have been modest, this is such a small country that someone you know is related to or is neighbors with a wounded soldier. Please give Rabbi Mark and Joanne Freedman a hug for us, as Ezra is stationed in Gaza at present. One thing is clear though, at least in the circles that I travel; we are very proud of those that are trying to protect us from those who would (and do) harm innocent people trying to create a better and more productive world.
This week we sadly said good bye to friends who had visited and most of all to a chunk of the Mazer Family who went back. We had a marvelous Shabbat, including dinner at the Inbal )Mazer, Fiter and Wagner) and lunch on Saturday at our apartment.
Shabbat was amazing, but what was most beautiful was the thousands of people who decended on the old city to pray at the Western Wall Friday night. It was inspiring to see the large numbers and the spirit. Also note that the only protests in Israel have been to accelerate the end of fighting, with no "celebrations" of our victories or "Death to the Enemy"rallies, unlike elsewhere in the world. I am always amazed that in spite of this, this country gets such bad press. Mi Kamcha Yisrael!
Everyone had a great time on Shabbat, and it was amazing to be together in this setting, Monty and Daniella left on Sunday AM after we had a farewell dinner at Anna Ticho House, a beautiful restaurant and museum owned by Dr. and Mrs. Ticho from pre-48 days, Dr. Ticho was an ophthalmologist who ran a clinic in the large home, and Anna was an artist. She willed the mansion to the municipality of Jerusalem in the 60’s. The gardens are lovely (although hard to appreciate in the cold) and we have promised ourselves to eventually come back to see the collection of paintings and drawings. Sunday was Barbara’s last day, and we wandered around, picked up a few last minute things and joined our children in the old city in the evening for a quick dinner before packing up and trying to get a few minutes of sleep before the trip to the airport, Of course, travelling in the winter is nothing if not complex…Everything was fine till the transfer in Paris, when a snowstorm in a completely unprepared CGD airport cancelled multiple flights. Something about only one de-icer (an old guy with a hose, apparently). This lead to a 28 hour ordeal for Barbara overnight in a subzero airport (with all the planes cancelled, there were no hotel rooms and masses of people). Thank G-d for Ne-eman Rogelah and cookies and some dry fruit that we packed her. I think she was pretty happy to be home!
Back here in Jerusalem, I spent Monday evening on the computer and phone trying to track Barbara’s whereabouts, which spilled into Tuesday and our weekly family dinner. It was smaller than usual, even though it was right after the fast. Ariel went with the yeshiva to the funeral of one of the soldiers killed on Monday night. A sobering moment, but very important. Tuesday night I said goodbye to the Fiters (just how did you blow the power, Steve?) after what seemed like a really successful (re)-introduction to Israel. Come back soon! Of course the late night goodbye allowed me to call Montreal after Monty and Daniella were re-united with Barbara so I got to greet everyone at home.
Otherwise, it will be a lot of work for me as I now will be wrapping up the time here over the next few weeks. Of course, there will be time for some fun (we are going to hear Yaacov Motzen at the Great Synagogue tomorrow) and lots of Shoshanna stories (and a picture or two).
In fact, this morning I met Ariel in Mea Shearim; I was looking for a particular set of books and he said he knew the best and cheapest place (he was right: I paid 10-30 shekels less than other stores). We also went to his favorite rogele store (bakery); there is now a competition between that place and Yitzhak Zocher’s favorite (Amichai); both are much cheaper than Marzipan and the pastries are much less gooey. Ariel introduced me to a chocolate fudge boureka (don’t ask, but it was very good). He is joining me at the Great Synagogue and for lunch tomorrow.
Let’s hope the music and spirit of Shabbat brings lasting peace to all.
Refuah Shlema to Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dina bat Smadar
Shabbat Shalom!
As would be expected, people are clearly preoccupied by what is going on in Gaza. Although the battle is clearly in Israel’s favor, and the shelling is less (but not stopped), this is not a nation of warriors, no matter how battle hardened the average Israeli is. At a Tehillin and Tefilla program I went to last night sponsored by Emunah, Young Israel and the OU, one of the speakers started by saying that you don’t ask someone how long he’s lived here, you ask how many wars he’s lived through. That’s another thing that really makes this country unique, although I think most people would trade that aspect in, thank you. Everyone knows someone who has a son in Gaza (a rabbi who spoke last night has 2 sons there) and even though thank G-d the number of casualties have been modest, this is such a small country that someone you know is related to or is neighbors with a wounded soldier. Please give Rabbi Mark and Joanne Freedman a hug for us, as Ezra is stationed in Gaza at present. One thing is clear though, at least in the circles that I travel; we are very proud of those that are trying to protect us from those who would (and do) harm innocent people trying to create a better and more productive world.
This week we sadly said good bye to friends who had visited and most of all to a chunk of the Mazer Family who went back. We had a marvelous Shabbat, including dinner at the Inbal )Mazer, Fiter and Wagner) and lunch on Saturday at our apartment.
Shabbat was amazing, but what was most beautiful was the thousands of people who decended on the old city to pray at the Western Wall Friday night. It was inspiring to see the large numbers and the spirit. Also note that the only protests in Israel have been to accelerate the end of fighting, with no "celebrations" of our victories or "Death to the Enemy"rallies, unlike elsewhere in the world. I am always amazed that in spite of this, this country gets such bad press. Mi Kamcha Yisrael!
Everyone had a great time on Shabbat, and it was amazing to be together in this setting, Monty and Daniella left on Sunday AM after we had a farewell dinner at Anna Ticho House, a beautiful restaurant and museum owned by Dr. and Mrs. Ticho from pre-48 days, Dr. Ticho was an ophthalmologist who ran a clinic in the large home, and Anna was an artist. She willed the mansion to the municipality of Jerusalem in the 60’s. The gardens are lovely (although hard to appreciate in the cold) and we have promised ourselves to eventually come back to see the collection of paintings and drawings. Sunday was Barbara’s last day, and we wandered around, picked up a few last minute things and joined our children in the old city in the evening for a quick dinner before packing up and trying to get a few minutes of sleep before the trip to the airport, Of course, travelling in the winter is nothing if not complex…Everything was fine till the transfer in Paris, when a snowstorm in a completely unprepared CGD airport cancelled multiple flights. Something about only one de-icer (an old guy with a hose, apparently). This lead to a 28 hour ordeal for Barbara overnight in a subzero airport (with all the planes cancelled, there were no hotel rooms and masses of people). Thank G-d for Ne-eman Rogelah and cookies and some dry fruit that we packed her. I think she was pretty happy to be home!
Back here in Jerusalem, I spent Monday evening on the computer and phone trying to track Barbara’s whereabouts, which spilled into Tuesday and our weekly family dinner. It was smaller than usual, even though it was right after the fast. Ariel went with the yeshiva to the funeral of one of the soldiers killed on Monday night. A sobering moment, but very important. Tuesday night I said goodbye to the Fiters (just how did you blow the power, Steve?) after what seemed like a really successful (re)-introduction to Israel. Come back soon! Of course the late night goodbye allowed me to call Montreal after Monty and Daniella were re-united with Barbara so I got to greet everyone at home.
Otherwise, it will be a lot of work for me as I now will be wrapping up the time here over the next few weeks. Of course, there will be time for some fun (we are going to hear Yaacov Motzen at the Great Synagogue tomorrow) and lots of Shoshanna stories (and a picture or two).
Let’s hope the music and spirit of Shabbat brings lasting peace to all.
Refuah Shlema to Gilad Hillel ben Bracha Mirel, Naama Bracha bat Devorah and Tamar Dina bat Smadar
Shabbat Shalom!
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