Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rosh Hashana 5770

What an interesting, fun and special year. When we think back to what we were writing at this time last year, it was about our recent arrival in Jerusalem, about spending time in the Old City with our children and granddaughter, about preparations for Rosh Hashana in a new surrounding. Shopping with Nomi, learning with Elan and Ariel, cuddling Shoshana (who in a very short time is almost running more than she is cuddling!!) and looking forward to an adventure that would last for several months. It seems like yesterday we were cleaning and setting up on Mevo Yoram, and those months flew by. An amazing experience, one we will cherish not only for the chance to escape to Israel, but for a chance to have a bit of extra time to focus on some of the real priorities in life; more time for family, for learning, and less running and less getting bogged down with some of the annoyances of life.

We experienced 4 elections, a major financial crisis, a war and a drought. The Madoff crisis touched home as labs at Hebrew U, where Bruce worked, lost large amounts of their funding overnight. We cried with our friends back home who had lost loved ones, and celebrated as their children became engaged (which has led to a summer of weddings beyond compare!). We learned about the looniness of Jerusalem municipal politics and we compared many of the great bakeries of Jerusalem. We made many contacts, personal and professional, and we both will benefit from the interaction with our Israeli colleagues in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. We connected and re-connected with friends and we built and solidified many special relationships.

What is in store for the next year? Well, we have had nothing but nachas and joy watching Shoshana grow, smile and take off in all directions (especially on stairs!). Her second year should be as exciting as the first. Elan and Nomi are well settled in Jerusalem, Ariel has returned to Yeshivat Hakotel for a second year. They will be joined by Monty and Daniella, who are leaving for Haifa; Monty to go to Technion Medical School and Daniella to the University of Haifa. With all the kids in Israel, I guess we get to share more blogs from the visits we are sure to take!!

Most of all, we hope for good health for all, especially our parents, and success for our children in all their endeavors. We hope all of our family and friends can reach the goals they set for themselves and enjoy all the benefits of life. And to everyone, a parting thought: although every year cannot be a sabbatical, there is no excuse for not focusing on the people in your life that are really important- that is something that is always worth taking time for.

K’tiva V’Chatima Tova
May we all have a year of life full of health and satisfaction!

Barbara and Bruce

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Mazers!
So good to hear from you guys. This blog is really a great time to take a breath and rethink of the obvious.
We, too, are waiting for you guys in Israel! (6 minutes from Adam, I think you know where that is...)
Shana tova!!!!