Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 8-14

We are nearing the end of this trip! Sometimes we wonder where the time went, although as you have seen a lot has gone on!  We may actually need a vacation from our vacation!! However, that is not likely to happen when we get back, so let’s just enjoy reliving the last week in review…

Shabbat was spent in Jerusalem at Nomi and Elan’s home in the old city. We actually stayed in the German colony, at our friend Diane and Ed Zeligman’s apartment. It’s really beautiful, in a very central location. On Shabbat morning really did not know where to go to synagogue,  I walked out the front door, and looked lost. A very nice guy from New York (Living in Jerusalem for the last 12 or so years) said,”You look like you need a place to go to shul”, so I followed him. This was a real treat, a beautiful renovated old synagogue on Yael Street. Very friendly people, lots of singing, and a really heimish (homey) atmosphere. The meals on Friday night and Saturday at Nomi and Elan’s were great, and we saw Elan in action as he had students visiting his home to eat and study on Shabbat. It’s really impressive to see both how much he has accomplished both as a teacher and mentor!

At the close of Shabbat we lit the first Chanukah candle. We ushered in the holiday with singing and games with Shoshana and Shlomo. That evening we met Carol and David Novosellors, ex-Montrealer’s who have moved to Efrat. We had a great time catching up.  On Sunday we babysat Shoshana and Shlomo and spent the day at the Jerusalem Zoo! I don’t know who had more fun, the kids or us watching them. That evening, we left Jerusalem and went to the Tel Aviv area for an amazing museum experience, called Dialogue in the Dark in Holon with the Goldbergers. The guides are blind and we were led in pitch darkness through various rooms that provide every day scenarios, like a home, a forest or a market, using a white cane and our other senses. Our guide was excellent and we had some interesting discussions with him at the end about his experience, attitudes and frustrations. Highly recommended!

The rest of the week was almost a blur. Monday started in Netanya, and ended with  dinner in Neve Daniel with the Gila, Ariel and the Twersky’s.  Tuesday was visit ex-Montrealers day, we had breakfast with the Seal Family overlooking the gorgeous Marina in Herzliya (a treat if you have never been there), and then a late dinner with the Maliachs in South Netanya. This was sandwiched by Barbara meeting a group of Israeli OT researchers and some preparation for the family “invading” the next day. On Wednesday we met the Jerusalem gang at Monkey Park, a small zoo the features (you guessed it) Monkeys! The kids had a ball and one sharp eyed monkey almost ran off with Shlomo’s Chanukah donut!  That evening we celebrated Shlomo’s upcoming 2nd birthday with the Goldberger family. I wish I could post the whole video of his blowing out the candles. A two year old can be very serious!

As it is Chanukah, many people were off for the holiday. I would like to say in passing that being in Israel for Chanukah is most unlike being in North America for the holidays. First, Chanuka is anything but a commercial holiday. Gift giving is really a North American tradition, and most things here are very low key. There are also the different food choices here; in North America, we eat fried potato latkes (pancakes) and in Israel, sufganiot (deep fried donuts). The common denominator is the oil, to celebrate the miracle of Chanuka  that occurred in the Temple when a small flask of pure olive oil burned for eight days. This followed the liberation of Israel from invading armies by the Macabees. The main sign of the holiday is the presence of Chanukiot,  8 armed candelabras,  in windows and on porches and doorways, especially in Jerusalem. Our Montreal weather is not exactly favorable for outdoor placement. The light and warmth of the holiday is very unique and very precious. It is really about freedom and there is a very strong emphasis on the family.

With the holiday in full swing, every place we went was mobbed with kids. It’s a great sight, but on Thursday we tried two children’s museums which were both packed to the rafters before we needed up taking the kids to play at Ikea! Then Gila and Ariel joined us and we had a great dinner out together, before coming home to prepare for Shabbat.  That included a trip to the Chassidic enclave nearby which makes the best chopped liver in the country (well, we haven’t tried that many, but it is really good) and visits to the fruit and vegetable market and bakery.
We spent a superb Shabbat with the kids and grandchildren, talking, singing, playing and just enjoying. We missed having Monty, Daniella and Tali around, but we got to spend quality time with Gila and Ariel and excellent time at the park with Shoshana and Shlomo.  We lit the 8th Chanukah candle, sang and danced, then said goodbye to all.

This ends this installment. It’s been over 3 weeks, a wedding, Chanukah and special time with everyone. We added a new member to the family and saw the little ones magically grow and change before our eyes. From a practical point of view by now we can drive the central corridor in Israel (Highway 1, 4 and 2) with our eyes closed, and can tell you where every traffic jam usually starts and ends, and what is the best and the worst time to try and do an errand in that area. We bid farewell to the kids, to Netanya and to Israel and look forward to coming back soon (hopefully for Passover) and more special times.
Wishing you a wonderful last day of Chanukah (as we fly home)
Barbara and Bruce

We wish Danielle Wiesz a Happy Birthday
Refuah Shlema to Zisel bat Bella

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