Saturday, July 13, 2019

Shabbat in the Wild West

OK, full disclosure first. We are not in Jerusalem this Shabbat. Not Netanya. There will be no pictures of adorable grandchildren (at least not till August!) So, where are we? Well, let’s give you some clues. Yesterday we saw the Eiffel Tower, the gondolas of Venice and Frescos on the ceiling, then visited ruins of ancient Greece and the castles of King Arthur’s Knights of the Round table. After a whirlwind magic tour, we strolled through the Lower East side of New York and then returned back to a Mirage in the desert. All right, any guesses?

Of course, we are in none other than Las Vegas, Nevada. We decided that for a one week, rapid holiday we would go somewhere that we could have fun, find good kosher restaurants, and see things we have not seen before. We’ve never even had a conference here. So, we flew out on Monday and presto, a week on Vegas unfolds!

Strategically, we decided to stay just off the strip. This turned out to be a good calculation for a week’s visit for several reasons. We are in a Holiday Inn Resort, in a one bedroom ‘villa’ with full kitchen and 4 pools on the grounds, plus no casino, no showgirls, no huge get the picture. Shabbat on the Strip might get a bit noisy but here, it will be very laid back. We are a 15-minute walk from the strip, and (even better) a 5-10 minute free shuttle ride to the key hotels which certainly helps considering the heat here. This gives us the perfect combination of “faced paced excitement” and “chilling out”. 

Since it’s been over 100 all week, I guess chilling is not exactly the right word, but we can hang at the pool and in our AC’d apartment all we want.

We will spare you all the details (unless you want to hear more, please feel free to ask), but some highlights include a visit to Hoover Dam and the Lake Mead area, two great shows (Cirque de Soleil Mystere, and David Copperfield) and some really good restaurants (Jerusalem Grill and King Solomon’s Table). Plus Sunday will be a trip to Red Rock’s National Park and then a visit to Suzy and Moe Rosenmeir, ex-Montrealer’s who are now full time Vegas residents!

Shabbat will be spent will some great food (thanks to Smith’s Kosher Emporium) and down time, good books and more sunshine. We are back on Monday and look forward to more good times this summer. So, although it's not exactly Israel, it is an opportunity for us to send warm wishes to friends, family and all who are reading along! 

Wishing you a warm and relaxing Shabbat Shalom!

Barbara and Bruce

We wish Refuah Shlema to Yitzchok ben Chaim

Happy 11th Birthday to Shoshana Hadassah!

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