Friday, August 13, 2021

Shabbat August 13-14: The hitchhiker’s guide to a rapid escape to Israel

Welcome travel fans! With apologies to Douglas Adams, I am thrilled to bring you a very quick (as it’s Shabbat soon) blow by blow account of why you are receiving this amazing Shabbat Shalom from Petach Tikvah on August 13, 2021! It may be a surprise to many of you, but we are in Israel to visit the family. The question is, when did we plan this trip and how did we pull it off?

So, the answer lies in a major geopolitical global pandemic, known to all of us a Corona-Virus. In general, going anywhere takes tremendous planning. For Israel that includes a special entry permit, COVID PCR test, Antibody blood tests, and good fortune. We planned a trip that would allow us to see all the Israeli grandchildren prior to school starting and then stay for the upcoming Jewish Holidays. That meant leaving August 25th; in order to do that we needed to apply for a permit at least 30 days in advance, which we did. The days passed and no permit. The Israeli press described hundreds if not thousands of people who were also applying to be reunited with loved ones for the holidays. Meanwhile, very unfortunately, Israel’s COVID case numbers have increased steadily (more on vaccine and the Delta variant next week when I have more time). This has made the Israeli ministry of health nervous about accepting so many newcomers and visitors (rightfully so). So, after 12 days of no response about our permits, we contacted Dov Lipman, a former Israel Member of Knesset who runs an organization that helps bring people together with their families who have emigrated to Israel (like our kids!)

Dov and Ariella from their organization suggested we apply from within Israel. Elan took on the challenge, filled out the paperwork, attached the huge dossier we prepared confirming vaccination, insurance, employment, shoe size and lots of other details and, a miracle happened. We had a permit in 24 hours! However, it came with a caveat: rules were changing and we might be unable to come if we waited too long. 

So, caught in a spell of excitement over the permit and fear over never using it, we looked at the available flights. From a financial point of view, a flight the next evening was the best option. This only meant packing, rearranging schedules, getting PCR tested (assuming it would be negative) and then actually getting on the plane. Exhausting to think about it, but, we barreled ahead (with the help of Biron’s Rapid PCR test, shout out to Linda L). We could not actually believe we got onto the plane; just the document check at Air Canada took 35 minutes!

But wait, the fun is only starting! Next Monday, all visitors to Israel will have a mandatory 7-day quarantine if your PCR is negative twice. However, this week, Canadians (but not Americans) can avoid that if they can prove antibodies from COVID (infection or vaccination). So, we arrived sleep-deprived, underwent the mandatory PCR test at the airport, then drove to a storefront doing antibody blood tests for COVID! More about that again next week, but it’s complicated and very expensive to do that in Canada, but for a very reasonable price we had an answer in time to have all our paperwork in order well before Shabbat. So, now, better rested and ready to see some of the kids, we have arrived in Petach Tikvah to spend time with Gila, Ariel, Elisha, Ora and Adi!

So, now you have detailed instructions on how to apply and get to Israel in under 48 hours. Good luck trying to duplicate that!

More stories, pictures and updates next week

We wish you an amazing and safe Shabbat Shalom!

Barbara and Bruce 

This warm Shabbat Shalom is in Honor of the upcoming Yahrzeit of our father and grandfather and great-grandfather, Sid, Shlomo Henoch ben Mordechai Chaim. His memory is a blessing to all and I can picture him smiling watching all the great-grandchildren run around!

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