Friday, March 8, 2024

Shabbat March 8-9

This week the blog may be a little shorter than usual but don’t miss the pictures!! 

Shabbat last week was spent in Efrat, as we were there for Nadav’s Celebration of his completing the study of the Chumash (5 books of Moses). As usual, it was great; Nomi cooked and Elan barbecued up a storm, the kids were fun (of course we lost in Catan as usual) and we ended off with Movie night and Nachos for the family. Saturday night we took off back across the country to spend a few days in Netanya for Bruce to finish a grant. 

During this grant seclusion we did have a fascinating positive experience with the Israeli health care system that we Canadians could learn from. The medical problem was not a major one (thank G-d); Barbara had bacterial conjunctivitis. However, one thing we in Canada have over here is that in Israel there are no antibiotic drops or creams that are OTC. So, to get proper treatment, we needed a prescription. So, Barbara went to Terem, a group of walk-in clinics for all emergencies except for things that should be hospitalized. She was greeted warmly, her particulars were taken, and in less than a minute she was seen by a nurse for the initial history. Then, again in a few minutes, she was seen by a physician, a full assessment done, and prescription printed. As she left, she got a copy of her medical record (and of course the receipt for payment) and then, off to the adjacent pharmacy to fill it. The Pharmacist (a very friendly and efficient Arab woman) took the prescription, took the appropriate box of eye drops, and handed it to Barbara, with instructions, and she then processes the payment herself. 5 minutes instead of what would take much longer, with intake, prescription filling, labelling, waiting and a 40 minute ordeal like our local pharmacies that will remain nameless! So, what would have taken hours for a clinic or ER visit for a minor medical issue was wrapped up in under half an hour. We should send the blueprint to our health ministers!

Wednesday was Grant submission day, so Thursday was a day to chill a bit and we had a great excuse; we had promised Elisha a birthday “fun day” and so he came for a sleepover Wednesday night, the breakfast of his choice on Thursday AM, a couple of hours at a local playground and then, the piece de resistance, a visit to Cactus Ranch, a stable of horses to take city slickers like us for a ride  (if that what they call a “gringo” in Spanish?).

Of course, neither Barbara or Bruce are experienced riders (actually, I am a complete novice except for maybe the horsey ride at Steinberg’s when I was 3). The ride was super fun, through a very picturesque area near the Mediterranean and along the beach! The guide was super patient, and Elisha’s horse kept sprinting whenever it thought it needed to catch up, which was really fun for him! I was not sure who was in charge, my horse Johnny or me; I think he just was following my guide’s horse and humoring me by pretending to respond when I pulled the reins. Anyway, it was a very fun time, and it sets the standard for birthday fun!

It’s really been an eye opener to be here, in Israel during the current war with Hamas,while watching the events unfolding at home.  To watch the protest, counter protest, barricades of buildings like AISH in Thornhill, the Montreal Federation Campus, Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, and the BAYIT in Toronto is not just alarming, but the rhetoric spewing at the Jewish population of Canada (and elsewhere of course) is chilling. I hate to say that it’s a reminder of what we as a people have gone through for centuries. I guess the kind of clash between the populations is not surprising here in Israel, where there are obvious tensions. What we have seen as a spillover of other conflicts in Europe, we are now seeing in full force in North America, with very disappointing reactions from our politicians and police. We are really praying on both sides of the Atlantic that things don’t spin further out of control.  

We are spending Shabbat in Jerusalem and then Monday taking off for a few days of holiday in Athens. That will be a fun topic for the next installment so stay tuned!

Wishing everyone a peaceful and safe Shabbat Shalom!

Barbara and Bruce

We wish a major Mazel tov to cousins Daniel and Brandon, on the birth of twin boys last Shabbat!

Mazel tov to proud first-time grandparents Roanne and David, and aunts Jenna and Aviva!

We wish condolences to Estie and Stenve Fiter on the passing of their aunt Tema Lewin, a Holocaust survivor and centegenerian. May her memory always be a blessing for your family. 

Happy birthday to cousin Linda!

Refuah Shlema to Shmuel Zev ben Rachel Ita

Refuah Shelma to Chaim Tzvi ben Shaindel

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