Friday, March 7, 2014

February 28 - March 7, 2014, Welcome to new baby II!

What an amazing week and what an adventure! We started off last week with a new addition to the Mazer family and we end this week with another baby boy entering in the world. We thank G-d that both mothers and babies are healthy and looking forward to wonderful things in the future.

When we last communicated, Bruce was landing in Israel a little under 2 hours before Shabbat. We went to Givat Shmuel, the community near Bar Ilan University where  Ariel and Gila live, to spend Shabbat and greet Gila and their new baby home. Barbara had been shopping, running errands and helping to prepare for Shabbat and for the baby’s arrival to their apartment. Friday night, 3 of Gila’s siblings joined us for Shabbat (Pnina, Nechemia and Ruhama) and we took turns eating and holding the baby.  He is beautiful, small and fair with sandy hair, a lot like his dad. That evening, a group of friends and family joined together for the Shalom Zachar, a greeting to a new male child on the Friday night after his birth. People talked, sang, ate and celebrated the birth of a son. Finally the crowd went  home at 11, everyone else cleaned up and, exhausted, went to sleep.

Shabbat was nice and quiet, as it should be when it’s the first full day at home for the new arrival. The baby cooperated and Ariel and Gila had a good, well deserved nap, and we enjoyed being able to help out and just all being together. After Shabbat, we went back to Netanya as home base. Sunday was Ikea day, and Barbara set up the kids with a new changing table and lots of other supplies.  Monday was laid back for the most part, with the main event being picking up Gila, Ariel and the baby to go to Gila’s parents, the Twersky’s in Neve Daniel for the Brit Milah, the circumcision that takes place on the 8th day of life (if the baby is healthy, of course).

Tuesday morning was “the big day”, and it was held in the new community Synagogue right near the Twersky’s home. We were all up early, and members of the community, friends and family arrived.  We were excited to see a lot of Ariel’s friends from Yeshivat Hakotel, as well as Nomi’s mom Karen, Ann and Jonathan Homa, Carol and David Novosellor and a large number of the Twersky’s friends. The baby is officially named at the Brit Milah, and he was named, Elisha Michael, after Barbara’s father, Michael Samuel. Papa would be very proud!

Ariel explained the name to all. He and Gila were looking for a name that embodied characteristics that they felt were important, such as generosity, selflessness and commitment to family. Barbara’s father embodied that and so much more. His entire focus was family, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was a most amazing father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend. His legacy absolutely lives on in the actions of his children. We pray that Elisha Michael will grow to completely embody this important legacy as well.

After the Brit, there was a beautiful breakfast at the Twersky’s home, a group effort by Geula, Yitzhak and their kids. Tons of food and lots of singing, people wishing each other mazel tov.  That afternoon we drove Ariel and Gila home, and started to plan the next leg of the trip, which was to be Toronto.

We left Israel in the early hours of Wednesday, with a flight to Toronto via Frankfurt.  We arrived Wednesday PM, and went right to Elan and Nomi’s to visit and see Shoshana and Shlomo. Now, as many of you know, Nomi was also due to give birth, in fact a week before Gila. However, by our arrival the baby still did not wish to face the cold snowy Toronto winter, so….Thursday, being a full 2 weeks after the due date, was induction day. Nomi and Elan were given a 2 PM appointment, and we were in charge of the grandchildren, which was an absolute pleasure!  I won’t give too many details, but bottom line, a beautiful baby boy, 3700 gm was born at about 2:30 AM!  

So now, we can really feel like its “déjà vu all over again!” Not wanting to spend Shabbat at Mount Sinai Hospital, the parents and new arrival are on the way home as of this writing! We will once again celebrate the baby with a Shalom Zachar and plan for the next celebrations. Truly an amazing time and a wonderful blessing! Stay tuned for more next week!

We wish everyone a Shabbat Shalom, full of joys large and small.

Mazel tov To Gila and Ariel on the birth of Elisha Michael!

Mazel Tov to Nomi and Elan on the birth of their new son, brother to Shoshana and Shlomo!

Times like these are precious and we all should be very appreciative!

 I’m just glad I can share them with my best friend in life, Barbara .

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