Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shabbat Feb 28th Welcome to the new Baby

This will be a short post, just to wish everyone a Shabbat Shalom and follow up on exciting news. Ariel and Gila are now the proud parents of a baby boy, born on Tuesday Feb 25 at app. 10:15 in Bnei Brak, Israel! Proud grandparent include Geulah and Rabbi Yitzhak Twersky and of course Barbara and Bruce. Barbara left for Israel the day that the baby was born, and has been occupied with fun things like visiting the hospital, cuddling the baby and transporting Ariel and various foodstuffs for Shabbat. As many of you may know, our children Elan and Nomi (who are in Toronto) are also expecting a baby, so Bruce hung out in Montreal for a couple of days to monitor the situation and the flight prices (as well as do some needed work in the hospital, keeping his patients from freaking out too much…) .Anyway, Bruce caught a flight out on Thursday PM (with great thanks to his MCH Allergy colleagues for covering!) and arrived in Israel  2 hours before Shabbat; a bit close for comfort but not really too bad.

The agenda for the next few days is hectic, with Shabbat, a Shalom Zachar on Friday night, a traditional celebration of the upcoming circumcision or Brit Milah on day 8 of life, plus a couple of days to help set up the kids at home now that they are three instead of two. Ariel and Gila are thrilled and seem to be naturals at being parents!  The baby had a wonderful first Shabbat and things are going really well. 

The Brit Milah will be in Neve Daniel (next to Efrat) on Tuesday morning 8 AM (Shacharit at 7 AM); breakfast following. 
We know the location is not the easiest, but anyone who is able to make it, we will be thrilled to have you. Please email and I will get the directions to you. 

 Wednesday we are on the way home. Stay tuned for more as we follow up on Elan and Nomi and we’ll send a full recap of the coming week, which is sure to be eventful!

Mazel Tov to all and may all have a wonderful, fulfilling Shabbat and a terrific week ahead!
Barbara  and Bruce
Happy Birthday to Gila!

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