Can you believe
that we are doing this again? I guess it’s not such a surprise, since we knew
that we were expecting two new additions to the family, but still when it
happens, it is no less amazing, no less breathtaking and no less exciting. To paraphrase Elan, who spoke beautifully
both at the Shalom Zachar last week and this morning at the Brit Milah,
bringing a child into this world is an amazing miracle, and every time it
happens it is no less miraculous.
We left off
last week as we started Shabbat in Toronto. Sorry everyone, not all of these
come from Israel, but I am sure you don’t mind sharing these terrific occasions
where ever they are. So we will pick up where we left off last week. Elan and
Nomi came home from the hospital just before Shabbat with a beautiful 8 lb 3oz little
boy in tow. Being 2 weeks late, this new addition seems to be a bit more mature
than the average as you will see from pictures. He was very alert from the start,
eyes open, looking around, seemingly very curious about taking everything in.
Of course, he was showered with attention from the beginning, not only from his
parents, but from his siblings Shoshana and Sholomo, and from his grandparents
on both sides. We had prepared for the Shabbat meals and for the Shalom Zachar (in
celebration of a new male child) so we were ready to roll. Robert, Nomi’s Dad also stayed for Shabbat,
and Karen, Nomi’s mom, was arriving from Israel on Sunday. Shabbat was really
nice, with lots of time to for playing with the kids at night and during the
day. Elan and Nomi live above the school Elan teaches in and there is a
synagogue in the building as well, which means that we basically did not have
to leave the building and brave the cold for the entire Shabbat! The Shalom
Zachar was beautiful, attended by Elan’s students, his friends and other
community members. There was lots of food and drink, singing and Divrei Torah, words
of Torah, in new honor of the new baby and in appreciation of his and his mother’s
health and speedy arrival home!
Sunday was
our baby sitting day, as Nomi and Elan took the baby for a quick check and
blood test; Barbara took Shoshana to gymnastics and a birthday party, and I
hung with Shlomo. Then we went to Yorkdale to play in the Lego store and have
a frozen yogurt treat! The kids are amazing,
and we had a great time. Bruce left Sunday night, and Barbara had the (fun)
task of taking the kids to school Monday AM before returning to Montreal. Karen
was to take over this job for the rest week. We went back to mundane things (like
work) for a few days. Yesterday we took the train back, accompanied by Grandma,
and arrived in Toronto late but ready for the next phase of celebration.
The Brit
Milah in Toronto was held at Or Chaim where Elan teaches. This was an
incredible experience for several reasons, primarily because the circumcision ceremony
introduces a new Jewish male into the community of Israel, equally because this
was really a community celebration. We had friends and family in attendance (including
my brother and sister-in-law Andy and Mara, Jacob and Jonah, our in-laws Chuck
and Rochel, Daniella and Tali as well as Nomi and Elan friends, and the boys
and girls from the school where Elan teaches. Not only was it a great celebration, but
an incredible educational experience. There will be a couple of You Tubes that
I will post that one can learn a tremendous amount about the importance of
this commandment and how it unifies us. Elan spoke wonderfully and his students
were drawn into the auspicious occasion as much as friends and family were. We welcomed Nadav Amichai into the fold with great joy! This was followed by great food and then the a high school kids went off to
what would be a very memorable school day.
To let Elan
and Nomi have a bit of down time with the baby, we took Shoshana and Shlomo to
Casa Loma, to see the Dr. Seuss exhibit. Lots of fun meeting The Cat in the Hat,
Sam I Am, the Grinch, and participating in lots of activities. Then home to
prepare for Shabbat and to bring to an end another incredible week.
As you know, I frequently reflect on other things that at going on around us. There is no shortage,
with a particularly divisive election coming
up in Quebec, a bad week of missile barrages in southern Israel, timed to
coincide with the visit of David Cameron of Great Britain, the carnage going on
in Syria and the repeated cat and mouse games being played with Iran. The global situation is not a very positive
one. In sharp contrast, I look back on what we have achieved as a family in the
past few weeks and over the years. The world may look pessimistic, but I think
we should all draw strength from the things that bring smiles to our faces, warmth to our hearts. We have three wonderful couples who have brought into the
world 5 gorgeous grandchildren. As I write this, Shoshana and Shlomo are playing
a few feet away, laughing and enjoying. Our sons are doing amazing things in their
respective career, as are our daughter’s in law. We see the celebration in the
eyes of the great-grand parents, be it my mother, or Nomi’s grandparents.
We should all look at the microcosms of our worlds to see the amazing blessings
and cherish them.
We wish you
all an amazing Shabbat Shalom, a Purim full of happiness and many, many
Mazel tov to the 4 generations who are fortunate to celebrate the arrival of Nadav Amichai
Nomi's parents Karen and Robert Goldberger of Modi'in, Israel
Great grandparents : Phyllis Mazer of Montreal
Judith and Aryeh Goldgerger of Toronto
Lynn Direnfeld of Toronto
Oscar Direnfeld Of Ra'anana Israel
Mazel Tov To Akiva and Jamie Garellek on their recent marriage
Happy Birthday to our Aunt Sandra (Ruffie) this week!
Happy Birthday to Aunt Ida (ad mea V'esrim!)
Happy Birthday to Lori Small
Happy Birthday to Tammy Samuel -Zein
1 comment:
Mazel Tov from David, Roanne and family.
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